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Social media is becoming more and more relevant in business, but it is still under appreciated, perhaps due to older management who still doesn’t get it.
You know the true power of social media – and these books will help you harness it, and transform your online presence as a result. Written by experienced and successful marketing genuises, they are informative and game-changing.

It’s a well-written book about the future of social media marketing. It does not repeat what other books have already mentioned; it has unique ideas on how to promote your business on social media platforms. I recommend it to both people who are good at social media marketing as well as people who want to be aware of new trends that are emerging.
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Dave Kerpen writes a rather refreshing, direct, and approachable guide on social media and focuses on illustrating examples centered around engagement, share-ability, and content vs. the more normal tactical approach that other books take.
As an owner and leader of a recognized social media firm, Dave Kerpen establishes credibility and subject matter expertise with via storytelling in a friendly & down-to-earth manner and holds reader interest throughout the course of the book.
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The reason I like this book is it breaks things down in detail but in a very easy to digest way. One of my favorite pieces of information the author dives into in the book is a platform by platform breakdown of how to approach it.
Most people just repost the same thing across all platforms and it is the wrong approach. Ian goes into each platform and what type of content is best suited for that audience.
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Gary Vee lays out the blueprint for social media marketing success from real life practical experience, advice and strategies he knows work first hand. He understands the ins and outs of all the platforms and has grown his own family wine business by tens of millions of dollars using the techniques he shares.
He gives you the roadmap of the changing media landscape and walks you through the steps you need to adapt to reach your audience in mobile first world.
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Sinek explains the importance of understanding not just what or how to purchase a product, experience or service but he shows how successful people have been able to inspire audiences by identifying the underlying motivation. It is a compelling book on how to become influential when you can answer why they do what they do and connect with people on an emotional level. These are key insights for any social media manager.
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Handley argues that in an online world everyone is a writer so you need to learn how to create content that attracts and retains people¹s attention. She provides practical tips, easy grammar and usage rules that are valuable whether you are working with a big brand or startup these are best practices that will make your writing better. Great advice we can all benefit from now more than ever.
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“If you’re not 100 percent happy with your life today, it is never a waste of time to try something that could get you there,” as quoted in the book Crushing it! This is a genuine feeling of many newly turned entrepreneurs!
Gary Vaynerchuk aka social media guru is a famous American entrepreneur who teaches his readers about the fundamentals of becoming an influencer and how to use different social media platforms to diversify one’s brand. This state-of-the-art guide offers new lessons and inspirations drawn from multiple influencers and entrepreneurs who are pursuing their dream of creating their own business.
I loved the book and prefer following his footsteps as he motivates me to create a personal brand that transcends platforms, products, and your passion.
The book is simple to understand even for a beginner as he dissects every current social media platform and offers theoretical and tactical advice.
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The reason I am recommending this book is that I think it provides critical background about how the media industry, particularly online media, works and the forces driving it, which any digital marketer must understand in order to get the system to work for them.
The book also delves into what makes things go viral which is also important knowledge for a digital marketer. Plus, it is an interesting read, full of stories about ways the author used the strategies he is recommending, so it isn’t dry like a lot of marketing books. I would describe this as a cult classic in this area.
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I recently read “500 Social Media Marketing Tips: Essential Advice, Hints and Strategy for Business: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and More!” by Andrew Macarthy. It’s a great book for people at all different skill levels. I took notes in the back of my book to and made actionable lists with check marks next to applicable tips. It’s a super easy way to hold myself accountable and put these tips into action.
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“Damian Ryan’s Understanding Social Media book provides a comprehensive guide on how to implement effective social media marketing (SMM) practices for your company. This book is ideal for both students and those who are new to SMM, with a desire to gain a deep understanding of the area.
This handy novel guides readers through every step of establishing a social media department in their company, from first creating a digital marketing dream team, right through to social media strategy and choosing the right metrics for measuring success. There is an array of tips included to help ensure readers take the right steps, allowing students to learn important aspects of the profession, such as budgeting, targeting and risk management, to name just a few.”
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This just-updated book is a great read if you’re looking to brush up on your social media marketing skills. It explains things step-by-step, so it’s good for people of all levels. The book delves into overall content marketing while also highlighting specific popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Plus, it comes with videos, links, and a toolbook to guide you through the whole process.
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This book is not just about leading the market but creating your own. It outlines how creators went from virtual unknowns to household names by carving out their own path and creating their own platforms. It outlines a groundbreaking discipline called category design that will teach you how not only to think outside of the box but build your own.
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The UGAB is the best way to understand the latest and greatest Google AdWords has to offer. This best-seller introduces new users to the basics and also offers also enhances pro’s understanding of an ever-changing algorithm. It keeps you up-to-date and is a handy reference for your office library. Don’t leave home without it.
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You know your good at your job, but now it’s time to let everyone else in on the secret. This book is a go-to for anyone learning how to market their own business. It works for freelancers in the Digital Marketing market or even small business owners. The guides also focus on marketing off-line. It really is a comprehensive how-to for Digital Marketing Pros.
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Time management is not all about scraping more of it from the bottom of the barrel. WTHWTD is full of techniques for small business owners to get the most out of their day-to-day. For anyone managing SEO, and sometimes juggling clients, getting the most out of one day means getting the most for your clients.
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Visual Storytelling is the latest trend in social media marketing. The facts and figures in this book make it an interesting read. The authenticity that smaller brands can bring to their community of customers is apparent with visual storytelling and this book gives great examples and how to’s in making those transitions. It’s worth a read for anyone who is wanting to learn new ways of storytelling to market their brand.
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This book is designed specifically for subject matter experts (consultants, professionals, executives, authors, and speakers) looking to use Social Media to build their reputation, protect it, and provide evidence of their expertise to clients, prospects, and the media. This book introduces the anchors and outposts framework, and using Social Media effectively… without wasting your time.
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Having a brand that your audience knows and trusts is important. But some people have a hard time showing or branding themselves. This book teaches you how to clarify your message so you can confidently post it on social media.
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Danny Star shares his insights on digital marketing in general and social media in particular, and discusses several tried and true methods he’s used for over 10 years of helping all types of businesses grow. Mr. Star covers several aspects of social media including paid advertising, optimization, engagement and many more; not only on the main platforms but also niche social media.
This book is easy and enjoyable to read; a useful tool for both beginners and seasoned digital marketers. Each chapter introduces on how certain systems work and provides an objective list of pro’s and con’s, as well as tips on when to deploy certain methods.
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This book offers insights into how to easily get your brand in front of your audience on social media, and how to retain their attention.
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This book proved instrumental when I was trying to get a handle on digital marketing for our then small business.
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This book talks all about Instagram, and how to grow your followers, this doesn’t happen overnight so it’s why I love this book it’s almost a book with a strategy to grow your Instagram account, all the secrets and how to attract more people to see your profile and spend time there plus how actually start to do money with Instagram.
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