After finishing any education level that our dearly and prestigious school system has got to offer, don’t you feel that there was an important lesson they didn’t teach to you that absolutely should have been on their courses?
Which lesson is that? The lesson on making money of course. How can the most basic skill of them all not be included on their checklist of things you got to know before heading prepared into society?
The answer is: because they don’t want to teach you, they don’t want you making more bank than them you see, and, if anything, that should motivate you to even more. Forget about waiting for them to teach you, learn yourself how to make bank through the lessons these money books for young adults are filled with.
#1 The Most Important Thing Illuminated by Howard Marks

He lays out a strong case that reliably successful investing depends on deriving an accurate assessment of intrinsic value and investing when the asset’s price trades below this value. He claims the most important things are: (1) understanding how to value an investment and (2) identifying how market price movements affect current value.
He states, “To value investors, an asset isn’t an ephemeral concept you invest in because you think it’s attractive (or think others will find it attractive). It’s a tangible object that should have an intrinsic value capable of being ascertained, and if it can be bought below its intrinsic value, you might consider doing so. Thus, intelligence investing has to be built on estimates of intrinsic value. Those estimates must be derived rigorously, based on all of the available information.” ”
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#2 A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel

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#3 The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley

The Millionaire Next Door demonstrates how mundane and simple the lives of millionaires can be, and suggests that becoming one is often a matter of good planning and discipline. Achieving millionaire status is more accessible than many young people may realise.
This book does a great job of laying out a roadmap for financial success that virtually anyone can follow. You don’t need to be a famous actor or entrepreneur to strike it rich, you just need a solid strategy and a few decades of time to work the strategy. ”
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#4 Financial Freedom by Grant Sabatier

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#5 How to Be a Capitalist Without Any Capital by Nathan Latka

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#6 The Accounting Game by Darrell Mullis

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#7 Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

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#8 Everyday Money for Everyday People by Todd Christensen

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#9 Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide To Money by Ramsey Dave

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#10 The 7 Fruits of Budgeting by Roslyn Lash

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#11 The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John C. Bogle

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#12 Financial Freedom by Chase Lawson

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#13 You Can Retire Early! by Deacon Hayes

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#14 I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

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#15 “Money Matters” by Karen Ford

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#16 The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

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#17 “How to produce abundance in your life” by Dr John Polis

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#18 Your Name and Colors Key to Your Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance and Success by B P Greycastle

Baron Paul Greycastle has made one of the Greatest Discoveries of All Time. He shows, with a tremendous amount of lists, facts and figures, that the most famous and successful people in practically every career field: Archeologists, Artists, Athletes, Comedians, Composers, Designers, Doctors, Educators, Environmentalists, Health Gurus, Inventors, Journalists, Lawyers, Models, Musicians, Peace Makers, Photographers, Physicists, Positive-Thinking Philosophers, Promoters, Richest, Romantics, Sales People, Singers, Talk Show Hosts, Writers and many more, are successful because of their colour-coded names. He proves, with undeniable evidence, that Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein owe their great knowledge of physics to their names.
He shows that our colour-coded names determine who our romantic soul mate should be, what colours we should use in our homes and wardrobe to stimulate and create the 7 different home decor mood environments and project the fashion image styles (youthful, intellectual, harmonious, dramatic, corporate, romantic & sexy).
This is one of the greatest self-help books ever written. Find out what your name says about how to enhance your beauty, choose the right career, find the right romantic soul mate, build the best colour/style wardrobe, and stimulate your 7 centres using your colours in your home or business environment. Greycastle claims that if his philosophy is accepted by the mainstream medical society, it could possibly create two new medical fields: Endocrinology Psychology and Endocrinology Psychiatry. ”
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Brandon Renfro from BrandonRenfro
Jeff Proctor from DollarSprout
Lindsey Andrews from TorHoerman Law Chicago Car Accident Lawyers
Matthew Griffin from Kennedy and Crowe
Brianna Nash from One Smart Couple
Max Robinson from WeSwap Travel Money
Todd Christensen from Money Fit by DRS
Timothy Wiedman from N/A
Dr. Wycondia West from West Instructional Services
Nicolas Straut from Fundera
Chase Lawson from N/A
Deacon Hayes from Well Kept Wallet
Bri Lindley from The Lindley Team
Karen Ford from KBF Management Company
Amit Dua from Signity Solutions
Karen Ford from KBF Management Company
B.P. Greycastle from Name Colorology Group