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The era of information allows us to be able to learn almost anything. Thankfully, the biggest success stories in investment have not hidden away their secrets and instead have printed out their stories and advice for all of us.
These books are like paying £15 for a consultation with a successful investor about everything they know… except you can re-read what they say and learn a lot more from it.
These books outline what it takes to become a successful investor, and we’ve picked out the top reads for a beginner.

This book is written by financial advisor, Mike Brodsky, who shares ideas and strategies for making improvements in many aspects of one’s life. While the book covers various topics, the chapter on personal finance and investing provides a very thorough overview of this subject, especially for beginners, with lots of information and professional wisdom that can help the reader to gain a better understanding of this discipline. The book includes lots of useful ideas in an easy to read format.
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While it’s not strictly focused on investing, I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi contains a great chapter that breaks down everything a beginner investor needs to know. This book is especially good if you prefer a more hands-off approach as Ramit will show you exactly how to automate your investing so that you can spend your time doing more important things. Or, if you’re someone that prefers a bit more control and you’d like to manage your portfolio more actively, Ramit will show you how to do that as well.
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Despite being a longer book on the topic than others. The book is filled with actionable strategies and advice that anybody can implement to set them on their path to financial freedom.
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I think this should be book #1 for anyone looking into investing, for any reason. Your Financial IQ is only as good as your ability to make smart, responsible decisions with money, assets, liabilities, and property. Kiyosaki lays out what people need to know in an engaging way.
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Smart Couples Finish Rich is simple, practical, and proven effective. It’s also a great way to start a conversation with your spouse/partner.
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This one is all about surrounding yourself with the right team. You may have the knowledge to do something really well, and you may think you have a great business plan to do it, but if you fail to put the right team and right advisors in place, you’ll fail.
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While some books offer a sensationalized look at wealth building through market participation, Investing QuickStart Guide cuts through the noise and offers a grounded walkthrough for new investors. Investing in the stock market is still far and away the best way to make your money work for you and Ted Snow’s simplified and informative prose makes this fact not only abundantly clear but also lays out the exact steps new investors should take when getting started. Snow packs each page with helpful information but keeps it light on jargon and industry nonsense. Highly recommend.
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This is a seminal work on the topic of value investing. I consider it to be a value investor’s bible and it is indispensable for investors who want to build robust, durable portfolios. Author Benjamin Graham’s work has guided two generations of successful investors and provides the underlying framework for superinvestor Warren Buffett’s successful strategies. Highly reccomend.
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This is the best book for understanding index fund investing, which is realistically the only thing individual investors should invest in.
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It is very basic but lays out a simple plan that any millennial can follow. He also identifies misconceptions about investing/finances and common issues that stand in our way of reaching our financial goals, #1 being that we spend too much money. I don’t want to give it all away but I think it is good for a beginner, and, it doesn’t demand that you spend 20 hours reading long heavily technical writing, like some tomes on topics like how to arbitrage.
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This is a great introductory book on investing — what the terminologies are, what investing is, different types of investment, how and when you should invest. It’s especially geared towards millennials in that it also tackles topics such as how to invest in a socially responsible way, or should you invest while paying off student loans, etc. but even if you’re from a previous generation, it’s still an excellent resource for investment beginners.
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This book is written by John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, and is a introductory book on index investing. It’s a must read for anyone who is new to investing or who has an interest in simplifying their investing strategy with index funds.
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In addition to earning a Doctor of Business Administration degree, I also completed a certification in ‘Financial Planning’ at Old Dominion University and often taught a college course on ‘Personal Finance.’ I recommend this book to any young folks who want to learn about the basics of investing. Investing in Your 20s and 30s For Dummies (2nd Edition; Copyright, 2018)
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If you’re interested in investing but don’t know how to practically start, you must read this book. The author uses concrete examples and actual dollar amounts so you can understand exactly what he’s explaining. It’s so practical. This book covers the basics and you’ll finish the book feeling truly confident and empowered to invest your money.
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If you want to be a smart investor and get the best benefit of your investment, you’ll need a well-devise investment plan. Creating a proper investment plan is not an easy task for the beginners. Daniel Solin, the author of this amazing investment book, shows the smart ways to invest through a four-step plan. You’ll be able to earn the best from your investment following Solin’s plan, you’ll be a smart investor from the beginning, this book will be the best guide for you.
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Investment is a tricky thing and you’ll need help when you’re new in investing. This book of investment will truly help you to reach your investment targets by providing you the best strategies and recommendations. Eric Tyson, ace finance expert and the author of this book, extends time-tested methods to create the most useful and achievable investment strategy for you. This essential book will turn you into a pro investor from a beginner within short period.
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For a few decades, this book has been one of the most praised investment books in America. Andrew Tobias, the author of this book, provides the most useful and effective advice on investment, savings, retirement preparation etc through this outstanding book. Basically, this book teaches you how to use money to your best benefit in today’s financial market. You must read this very useful book if you’re going to invest your money for the first time.
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