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Best Books to Read On Risk Analytics

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This article showcases our top picks for the Best Books to Read On Risk Analytics. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).

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Foundations of Decision Analysis by Ronald Howard

This product was recommended by Ben Simon from Finesse Literary Pass

The book perfectly explains the art of analyzing risk and decision making. All of us have to make decisions both in our personal and professional lives and this book teaches us how to make logical decisions in both professional and personal lives. Decision making and analyzing your strategies and decisions isn’t an easy task and this book helps the readers to understand the art and science of it. The book uses simple examples to make the concepts easily understandable to everyone. Moreover, it is written by Ronald Howard, a key founder of the discipline.

Credit Risk Analytics by Harald Scheule

This product was recommended by Nerijus Grenda from Goodluckmate

This book is the ultimate guide that you need in your life if you want to learn how to build credit risk models from scratch. Credit Risk Analysis also helps the readers to master a wide range of applications which are inclusive of building your own PD, LGD and EAD models as well as mastering industry challenges such as reject inference, low default portfolio risk modeling, model validation and stress testing.

Fundamentals of Credit and Credit Analysis by Mr Arnold Ziegel

This product was recommended by Daniel Demoss from Dumbbells Review

This is a basic guideline that any risk analyst needs to get their career started. Arnold Ziegel has used all of his career learnings to write this book and share his experiences for the newcomers. Fundamentals of Credit and Credit Analysis teaches the art of identifying the degree of risk that is associated with a particular obligor or credit instrument. The experiences and learnings shared in the book are all consistent with the modern banking industry and how they manage risk.

Crawl, Walk, Run By Michael Loban

This product was recommended by Melanie Musson from ColumbusCoverage

Just like in human development, you have to crawl before you can walk, you have to master the basics in analytics before you can effectively move forward. This book comprehensively shares the steps to accomplish mastery in Google Analytics so that you can run successful campaigns and help your company succeed to a greater degree than ever before. The real-life examples help readers understand how to bring academic instruction to practical implementation.

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