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You’ve already finished school, nice! It’s time to finally do what school ultimately was meant to prepare you for: conquer the world have a successful career. Now if only you could get the required readings, class schedule, and heads up to which professors are easier then you’d… eh? What do you mean there’s none of that?
It’s truth. The corporate world is so much more different from school in the way it functions. It reacts better towards proactiveness than the passive learning you encountered in school. Still, your proactive actions must be strategic and they better bring value to your employers or they’ll show you the door. Let these books outline you exactly how to develop your career that way. Check them out.

Written by a psychiatrist (who later became an internationally-recognised organisational consultant and corporate trainer), this reasonably-short, easily digested book is a practical guide to help business leaders and entrepreneurs (as well as their subordinate managers and employees) overcome the self-sabotage that often blocks career advancement, business success, and overall satisfaction (both on and off the job). Real-life examples drawn from Dr. Goulston’s consulting experience demonstrate how his clients have achieved success by following his advice.
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After spending over forty years with Fortune 500 companies, Jackson illustrates her journey up-the-ladder in Just A Girl, and exposes the ensuing challenges of working in the male-dominated science and business worlds. After being made to feel unworthy and battling endless discouraging sexism in the workplace, Jackson compiled the social and legal background of sexual harassment and sexism in America in this book as grounds for her call to action: make the future brighter for every woman at work.
Through learning to shut down her shame and self-blame, the author ultimately becomes a champion for career women still facing gender-rooted struggles in their careers.
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Countless professionals’ success rests with their abilities to make impactful presentations, and the difference between a good presentation and a poor one can make the difference between getting a foot in the door or getting the door closed shut.
REAL TALK provides no-nonsense, practical, ready-to-use advice and strategies that are based on the work of an award-winning international professional speaker who, since 2002, has designed and facilitated hundreds of webinars and face-to-face presentations to thousands of people positioned all around the globe.
REAL TALK details, step-by-step, what to do in your presentations so you look and sound like a master on the mic. REAL TALK goes a step further and also details what not to do and provides the rationale behind every recommendation.
If you have ever wondered about how to control your jitters before speaking, how to establish your credibility even if you do not have an impressive background or biography, what to do to get your audience engaged without using a lot of bells and whistles, or how to keep the audience from giving you blank stares when you ask “Are there any questions?” then REAL TALK has the answers to these and dozens of other presentation challenges.
No one will ever again leave your presentations disappointed, and you will proudly walk away from each performance knowing you crushed it. REAL TALK gives you real direction and real advice on how to make presentations that sizzle every single time!
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Don’t Get Left Behind* is a powerful workbook with helpful tips guiding you on each page. Career development is not a one-time event and this book practically helps refine a game plan for how one might design their own learn over time. Don’t Get Left Behind is a one-of-a-kind learning journal to revisit annually to analyse your accomplishments after you’ve make organised, concentrated personal development efforts.
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Because career development is an iterative process over time, we must be flexible thinkers as we consistently reframe and explain our accomplishments to others. Six Thinking Hats uses the powerful metaphor of thinking caps to break down six ways of thinking and communicating more effectively in parallel with others. Developing in one’s career requires thinking about problems in new and unusual ways in order to solve them, and Six Thinking Hats outlines a clear way to do so in an easy to read text chock-full of wisdom that is worth revisiting every few years.
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This book teaches readers the secrets of landing a job in the modern world. What’s the best subject line to get your email opened? How do you find potential connections that could help your career? This book answers all those questions and more.
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If you’re looking to become a recession-proof worker, this book will help to propel you in the right direction of developing into an agile careerist. Read the stories of real-life individuals – their struggles and how they overcame obstacles by using 7 key principles. Equipped with agility and constant growth, you’ll be highly valued by bosses, potential employers and colleagues.
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Having experienced the challenges of entrepreneurship, Dalio has managed to craft the book such that it provides an optimal balance between actionable tips and a heart-tugging story. He has successfully encapsulated the most effective methods and tools that businesses can use to overcome obstacles and build capable teams. This book is highly applicable to anyone who’s seeking to develop their career.
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If you have multiple business ideas a day; if you are an observer of the tech boom; or if you’re just interested in how startup business’ are founded and scale up, this book offers unique insights from the founder of PayPal (Peter Thiel) and one of his dedicated students (Blake Masters). If you are like I was and have interest in business growth, but feel there are gaps in you knowledge that are to large to see around, this book can offer the means to connect the dots, giving you a fundamental understanding of how a successful business is started.
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This book helps you see your habits that are detrimental to your personal -growth and success. It will help you take the necessary steps to change your mindset to break these habits. You can gain a lot by reading this book and implementing the strategies.
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Book Depository (International)Waterstones (International) Read more reviews and buy the book here