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Whether you are a parent, a student or a business person, your knowledge about finance is important. Since financial movements and operations practically run our world, they also affect most aspects of our work and family life.
Not to mention that knowing about the basics of finance immediately impresses, since it is often viewed by many as a difficult topic. Not with these books, though, which are specifically written for beginners!

The biggest problem that many personal finance books have is that they focus too much on extreme frugalism, which is often not sustainable. For example, never buying coffee at Starbucks and saving the money instead.
What good is being a millionaire if you love coffee, and had to wait thirty years to buy a latte at your favorite coffee shop?
Ramit focuses on optimizing your spending around things that you love while saving money in areas that you don’t mind cutting costs. He also teaches you how to save money by learning how to manage your wealth instead of paying someone to do it.
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This book guides anybody from just beginning to think about money to financial freedom. It gives them the knowledge, tools, and strategies to navigate investing, paying off debt, and managing their budget.
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This book is written by financial advisor, Mike Brodsky, who shares ideas and strategies for making improvements in many aspects of one’s life. While the book covers various topics, the chapter on personal finance provides a very thorough overview of this subject, with lots of information and professional wisdom that can help the reader to gain a better understanding of this discipline. The book includes lots of helpful ideas in an easy to read format.
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It explains profit and loss statements and balance sheets in English rather than accounting babble. As Teresa Ratchford (a business owner in Texas, USA) stated, I opened this book with trepidation and then I found out how easy it was to read.
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This book is the perfect starting point for someone who is in debt and did everything the traditional way because that’s what you do. Dave focuses on simple steps to getting out of debt and building wealth. His explanations are easy to follow and make sense.
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A very well-known book by Robert Kiyosaki in which he summarizes the story of a boy with two fathers, one rich, one poor, to help you develop the mindset and financial knowledge you need to achieve success in life both in terms of freedom and wealth.The author explains there is a difference between being poor and being broke. He also writes that money comes and goes, but if you have the education about how money works, you gain power over it and can begin building wealth.
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I love many of the finance writers out there like Dave Ramsey, Tony Robbins, etc. but they focus on the individual who has some experience in life and has to get it back in order. The author has targeted those who have never moved out on their own before. School does not teach you this information whether in high school or college. I primarily took business finance and personal finance classes and none of the information was about how to survive. The information was about the overall effect of finance.
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Our company’s job is to go in and completely turn companies around. As lead consultant and turnaround coach (and a former rugby player), I ask every employee to read this easy-to-understand book within 1-2 weeks.
Financial Intelligence is arazor-sharp HBS Press book that allows us to get everyone in any role on the same page financially, whilst understanding any new and aggressive fiscal goals being expected of the entire company going forward. It is also a fun, comical, and otherwise invaluable beginner’s book on finance that no employee can refute, deny, or put down. Since accounting and finance are typically boring, the book’s authors deliberately a spot of humor and candor throughout the pages, which make the topic of money and math a smidgen more enjoyable.
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Coming from a successful investor and business owner, this book is a beginner’s essential. It teaches financial planning and strategies in an easy-going, humorous way so that you can ultimately achieve financial freedom.
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This handbook summarizes Dave Ramsey’s nine-week financial peace class and is ideal for those who want to learn more about Ramsey’s financial philosophy in an easy-digestible format.
If you’ve never heard about the author, Dave Ramsey is one of the few trusted money and business experts in America and protagonist of the Dave Ramsey Show that covers everything from personal finance to investments.
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An excellent read for those who’d like to achieve financial freedom or business success, this book provides a comprehensive look at the difficulties of our modern economy and includes easy strategies anyone can use to stop struggling to make ends meet.
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I will take the bold step to recommend the book I wrote, The Wall Street Professional’s Survival Guide.
Three points in particular:
- It is the only career book ever written which provides career advice specifically for the Wall Street community and for financial services job search;
- its content is highly focused around individuals who either work on Wall Street or want to;
- AND it provides many “real life” examples which readers have said makes it feel more pragmatic and relatable.
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In a world that’s dominated by books that teach us how to make tons of money – some of which leave you more depressed than encouraged – The Wealthy Barber focuses on fine living. I feel like in this book, Chilton shuns away from how to make the most money and teaches us how to make a decent living – today and in future – with our average salaries and incomes. It appeals most to finance beginners because it teaches them to plan for their finances and make sound investments. The book is all-encompassing when it comes to matters finance, and addresses the subject of how to lead a comfortable life without overstretching your earnings and also touches on how to plan for emergencies as well as how to start saving for retirement using what you already have.
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This book is so dynamic! It is empowering and gives you numerous strategies and resources to help you in the area of finances.
Money—and all the worries that come with it—can easily consume your days. In certified accountant Deborah Smith Pegues’s new book, she provides practical steps to real financial freedom.
If you want to make well-informed financial decisions to improve the quality of your life, The One-Minute Money Mentor for Women will help you learn:
- how to use your inherent female qualities for financial empowerment
- how you can overcome emotional and relational roadblocks to money management
- how to ask for what you want in the workplace
- strategies for getting out of debt and bringing your credit cards under control
- the risks and rewards of investing, and much more
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If you have a business and are always cash strapped or if you have no idea how to budget for your business, Profit First is a must read! I’ve read Profit First 4 times and have used it religiously in my business for the past four years. It made our overly complicated business budget incredibly easy to keep up with and increased out profits!
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The Author Erin Lowry answers some common questions and delivers all of the investment basics in one easy-to-digest package. She discusses topics ranging from common terminology to how to handle your anxiety regarding retirement savings and even how to buy and sell a stock.
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The author set himself up to succeed financially and outlines his steps clearly. You don’t need a degree in finance or a high paying job to find this book useful. It is a light read and very easy to implement. If you want more detailed instructions on index funds and how to set up a portfolio quickly this is the book for you.
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A lack of basic financial knowledge and poor habits can bleed from our bank accounts into our emotional well being, causing a whole host of new and compounded issues. A recent headline by the National Endowment Financial Education states, “Majority of Americans Aim to Strengthen Focus on Financial Well-Being in 2019”, so we know there is a problem.
Addressing the need for improved financial literacy is where the heart of this book beats. Humorous and easy to follow lessons in saving and basic investing make learning a breeze.
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Financial Freedom provides useful tips for the average American to utilize to take control of their financial lives. It’s written by a 26-year-old who’s personally overcome over $23,000 in credit card debt and now owns a home in Austin, Texas. He breaks down numerous topics that the average American can benefit from and apply right away to their own lives. It’s easy to read and relate to and will help from day one.
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Most books of personal finance provide theory, but this book identifies financial principles, strategic goals, and objectives that allow the reader to take action and succeed. It is structured so anyone can follow the process and it allows the individual to self-promote through the belt ranks.
Each belt step has achievement mile-markers that provides instant feedback when the individual achieves the financial principle. The Financial Black Belt’s Financial Self-Defense Training Guide is a proven and innovative strategic financial management program that incorporates the instructional practices, discipline, and belt structure of HapKiDo and the basic and advanced financial practices of personal finance.
This innovative financial wellness program provides the knowledge necessary to be financially successful, provides the strategic path upon which knowledge can be applied, and provides the predictive actions required to achieve the strategic goals set forth in the program.
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This 100 page book is perfect for the beginner or intermediate investor who wants to learn how to build wealth with investing. It’s written in a clear and easy to consume manner with actionable investing advice. It’s ideal for anyone who wants to invest intelligently with a proven approach.
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Mark Anthony Grimaldi lays out a simple retirement strategy that protects consumers and helps them save wisely in his new book, RetireSMART! How to Plan for a Tax-Free Retirement (Page Publishing, October, 2019). Grimaldi shows us how to avoid the great retirement crisis, providing three steps to securing a TAX-FREE financial future. He also identifies what everyone needs to know, from Baby Boomers and Generation X to Millennials and Generation Z.. He shows that it’s not so much the amount you save but the way you save it that matters most. The biggest drag on a comfortable retirement is taxes. He shows that those taxes are caused by today’s retirement plans, with 401(k) being the biggest offender.
A stunning 21% of Americans have nothing saved for the future – and another 10% have less than $5,000 tucked away according to Northwestern Mutual’s 2018 Planning & Progress study.
Grimaldi should know how to invest wisely. With over 30 years of experience in money management, he is a certified fund specialist, chief economist, and an author. A decade ago, he became chief economist and money manager of the NAVFX Sector Rotation Fund. It has a five-year, five-star Morningstar rating, as of August 31, 2019.
He lays out a historical perspective of the 401(k) – and how it went from being embraced by corporate America to the losing proposition of today. He shares, in a let-me-tell- you-how-things-really- are voice, what to do – and avoid – when it comes to securing financial freedom in retirement.
He suggests an action plan for consumers:
- Use your standard deduction ($12,000 annually) at retirement
- Invest your retirement savings at the zero/low capital gain rate, not the high-income rate.
- Prepare your assets to step-up at death so your heirs can inherit them tax-free.
Some of the Retirement lies exposed in his book include:
Lie #1: There are limits to how much you save for retirement.
Truth: Grimaldi’s method has no contribution limits.
Lie #2: Investment options are very limited.
Truth: Grimldi’s method has no investment limitations.
Lie #3: Retirement plan distributions are restricted.
Truth: Grimaldi’s method allows for retirement and distributions at any age..
By following Grimaldi’s book, Americans will get off the retirement/401(k) treadmill to nowhere and finally feel the wind in their faces as they cruise down the tax-free highway to a smarter retirement.”
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In 2015 I published a tiny book which gained national attention because I share how you should be looking to your future retirement when you are in your 30’s. The chapter, Show Me the Money features my story about why and how I put together a 25 year retirement financial plan. Simple, easy to read, only 80 pages, financial advisors around the U.S. found the book a must read for their clients. Understanding that great saving habits should be a part of your everyday life, and preparing for retirement should not happen in your 60’s is a lesson that should be learned early in life.
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Her book is specifically for Baby Boomer women who aren’t the money managers in their household. They need a place to start – -it’s never to late to take that first step, according to Mantell. She’s helping women talk about money and understand how they’ll need to plan for the party and the price tag in retirement.
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I think this is a great book because it just covers the basics and goes through it in a fun way. Its setup like a conversation so its fun and you can read it in a weekend! The best part is it covers all the important basics so if you follow through on what this book preaches you will have all your finance bases covered. You don’t really need to learn much more. Hurray!
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Money: The Root Curse of Domestic violence is a very short and to-the-point non-fictional self help book. It provides simple everyday tips/tricks on how to be money-smart whilst in a relationship.
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The Richest Man in Babylon is a timeless classic that provides simple but effective financial wisdom in the form of short, easy-to-digest parables. It covers savings, investments, the importance of growing in your craft,and seeks to change the reader’s understanding of finances. Millions don’t lie—it’s worth your read.
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The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham The author (now deceased) was considered to be an investment guru with both feet firmly on the ground. What I like about this book is that it’s not a promise to take you from zero to millions in a year or two. Neither is it an any fool who reads this becomes a money-making dynamo type of reading. No, on the contrary, it gets down to fundamentals so that you can assess risks with an open eye, and if things go wrong, you won’t lose everything you have to invest. It explains the basics and provides a viable step-by-step approach to buying stocks and bonds. Warren Buffet endorsed this book, commenting that it’s the best book on investing ever written.
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Great book for women that are ready to learn about how to take control of their finances: understanding the stock market and retirement plans, getting out of debt, saving and investing and creating the life of your dreams.
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I recommend this book to money management beginners because it offers a well rounded approach to handling personal finances. In addition, it will help you to avoid money errors as well as show you ways to save money, invest, get out of debt, and more. If you truly want to rid yourself of debt and use your money the way it was meant to be used, as a tool to get what you need and want, you should to check out this book.
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