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Popular Anxiety Books Based On Christian Teachings

If you need a guiding voice, the authors of these books rely on the word of God.

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Christian values are timeless. While the problems may be new, Christian teachings present in these books are still relevant and important to moving past suffering, whether this be anxiety or anything else.

We’ve reviewed eleven powerful books that are trending in 2021 because of the way they use Christian teachings in tackling modern problems. Christianity has been guiding people for hundreds of years – who’s to say it’s not a powerful way of life today?

Cling by Kim Cash Tate

This product was recommended by Virginia Higgins from That Bald Chick

Clinging to God for is imperative for those of us who deal with anxiety. Clinging to Him leaves little room for anxiety to cling to us. Kim Cash Tate does a wonderful job of encouraging readers to develop the intimacy with God that is up close and personal.

Ascent to Hope by Stephanie Winslow

This product was recommended by Virginia Higgins from That Bald Chick

Stephanie Winslow knows what it is to climb from fear to hope, and to lose the guilt in the process. As an author and speaker, she seeks to bring hope and restoration to others.

Overcoming Fear, Worry, and Anxiety by Elyse Fitzpatrick

This product was recommended by Stella Samuel from Brandnic

This book was written particularly for women. In the book, the author offers a handy guide on what women should do as they encounter difficulties in life. Personally, I recommend this book since it helps women to identify the source of their anxiety, fear, and worry. Thereafter, the author goes on to help them transform the fearful thoughts into peaceful moments and finally the strategies to overcome anxiety.

Anxious for Nothing by Max Lucado

This product was recommended by Osama from Outfitrs

The title Anxious For Nothing isn’t a gentle scold on being anxious for no reason. The book acknowledges that there are many things in life that cause us anxiety. Rather, the book is about trusting God in such a way that gives Him control over our anxieties and leaves us exactly that anxious for nothing. Because the Lord is near, we can be anxious for nothing.

Bubble Solutions by Pamela Garrison

This product was recommended by Pamela Garrison from Author Pamela Garrison

In Bubble Solutions, the author shares her personal story and other testimonials on how this simple but yet profound technique called Bubble Therapy render solutions to quickly rid stress, anxiety, anger, and frustration. Become as light as the bubbles in the air as you regain joy, peace,happiness, and freedom.

Battlefield of the Mind (Spiritual Growth) by Joyce Meyer

This product was recommended by Ammar Shahid from SuperheroCorp

Most of the time in life, we feel anxiety because of our sins and insinuating whispers that take us miles away from God. By reading this book, you’ll know more about God and his uncountable blessings. Plus personal experiences and biblical truth of writers will encourage you to fight against your anxiety.

The Anxiety Cure by Archibald Hart

This product was recommended by Ali Ubaid Ul Hassan from Decrum

This is a very helpful book for all those people who are facing anxiety. Through this book, readers better understand what are the reasons of anxiety and how we manage it.

12 Rules For Life from Dr. Jordan Peterson

This product was recommended by Marvin Klemp from Vital-Generation

In this chaotic world I was craving for relief of stress and anxiety but I was lost about the RULES OF LIFE. I always thought the rules of that planet are gravitation and time etc. But there is more hidden than we would imagine. This book is a real eye opener. It candles patterns from the past so that you can make your own meaningful decisions in the present and future…

I’m Not Supposed to Feel Like This by Chris Williams

This product was recommended by James Hyslop from The Coffee Folk

This excellent resource is written out of the collated wisdom and wide experience of a lecturer of Psychiatry, a Baptist Pastor, and a consultant Psychiatrist. As such it has a really helpful mix of recent medical research into anxiety/depression and a Christian/gospel perspective. This is a particularly helpful book for those struggling with both anxiety and depression. It is full of both practical advice and gospel truth. The book advocates a form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that teaches you how to adjust your negative thinking processes in light of the Bible and hope of the gospel.

Living Without Worry by Timothy Lane

This product was recommended by James Hyslop from The Coffee Folk

This relatively small book is a great introduction to a Christian perspective on anxiety. Tim Lane is both a Christian pastor and has close links to the biblical or nouthetic counselling movement. This is a particularly helpful book for those dealing with low-level anxiety as it helps you understand what anxiety is, what the Bible has to say about it, what God thinks of it, and how to respond proactively to it. It doesn’t really get into the aspect of medication or thinking techniques so it may be less helpful to those dealing with debilitating or high-end anxiety. The compact size of the book also makes it a great book to give to a friend or family member dealing with anxiety.

The End of Worry by Will Van Der Hart

This product was recommended by James Hyslop from The Coffee Folk

This excellent book is written in coalition by an Anglican Vicar from London and a consultant Psychiatrist from Scotland. It is a comprehensive and compassionate treatment of where anxiety comes from, what to think about it as a Christian, and how to respond to it. In particular, the strength of this book is its mix of recent scholarship on anxiety with a robust biblical and theological perspective. So whether you are just coming to grips with a tendency towards anxiety or having been wrestling with it for decades, this is a great resource to help you understand your experience and move forward in the way God desires.

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