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Becoming a doctor is many parents’ dream for their kid’s future work. And while it’s nice to wish the best for your kid, their passion has to be captured naturally, such as with a moving story about doctors. Children are often affected strongly by acts of saving someone’s life and, these books certainly deliver on the emotional factor!
As a bonus, we think a lot of children become extremely shy of doctors during appointment… these books will help debunk that fear and normalize nurse appointments!

A reassuring picture book for children, especially in advance of a planned hospital stay but good to have on hand for last-minute contingencies whereby the child needs to be hospitalized, whether for a tonsillectomy or something more serious.
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Book Depository (International)Waterstones (International) Read more reviews and buy the book here

This classic picture book is still a great example for kids to read before they have their 1st check-up. Put your child’s mind at ease and have them excited about visiting the doctor with this perfect story!
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Here is the book for the child who says, I want to be a doctor when I grow up, and for any child who wants to get behind the scenes to see what a doctor does. Readers will have the opportunity to meet doctors who heal bones, fix teeth and some who even work in laboratories. A great introduction for the child who wants to learn about this wonderful profession…
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This book accomplishes two things. It teaches the alphabet while also preparing your child for a trip to the doctor. It’s written in rhyme to make it a fun read for parents and children. It even discusses healthy habits in a way that is sure to captivate your child.
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Book Depository (International)Waterstones (International) Read more reviews and buy the book here

This classic series, with familiar, adorable characters your children already know and love, uses fiction to explore some of the most common experiences with hospitals and doctors: getting an xray, having a cast, and meeting and talking with the doctor. My Trip to the Hospital is the perfect book for introducing children to the ways in which doctors help us.
Little Critter’s gentle bravery and curiosity will take some of the mystery and fear out of the roles doctors play and have children ready to learn more!
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In my views, this is the perfect book for the 5-6 years old children to get to know that how is the first experience of going to the doctor be like. By reading this book, your child will learn what to do when you interestingly visit the doctor.
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Book Depository (International)Waterstones (International) Read more reviews and buy the book here

“Cutie Sue Fights the Germs” is a fantastic book for the children between 2-8 years in which they will learn how to fight germs and recover from illness. In this book, they will learn how their favorite characters Cutie Sue and her little brother, got a tummy ache and learn to get rid of it, as their mother brings them to the doctor.
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Book Depository (International)Waterstones (International) Read more reviews and buy the book here

Ollie’s Tonsils is an informative and fun way to understand the process of tonsillectomy for children. The book will let your kids learn the importance of doctor’s visits on a daily basis. Ollie’s Tonsils is a tool for parents to aid in making the trip to the hospital or a Doctor easier for any child.
Before buying a copy make sure to compare the price at various outlets:
Book Depository (International)Waterstones (International) Read more reviews and buy the book here