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Marketing might seem like a reasonably creative position in an organisation. But students should keep in mind that there are proven methods to doing things in marketing. Techniques that just work, techniques without which you’d be at a disadvantage when it comes to an interview or job performance.
These books offer psychological insight that is at the heart of marketing, with additional ways to make you stand out from the crowd. What’s there to lose?

Although your brain holds a vocabulary of 20,000 words, there is a tendency to use the same words over and over again. Using definitions, sample sentences, quotes and other tools, marketing students will find better alternatives when writing about products or promotions.
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Book Depository (International)Waterstones (International) Read more reviews and buy the book here

The psychology of marketing is one of the most interesting sides of the niche, and yet all too many textbooks make it seem incredibly dull and dry, as well as hugely out of date in the digital era!
Brandwashed takes a hard-hitting, no-nonsense look at the shameless, cynical and sometimes immoral tactics that well-known brands use to generate sales and build brand loyalty, which apply equally well in the digital arena as they do in the real world.
If you want to get excited (and angry) about how consumer psychology can be applied to marketing, find out more about how your own purchasing decisions are artificially influenced, and develop real insights that can inform both your current studies and later career, this is absolutely the book you need.
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Book Depository (International)Waterstones (International) Read more reviews and buy the book here

Students reading this book will gain a thorough understanding of important aspects of marketing, when exploring basic marketing theory and its practical application via real-life case studies in this book. It includes a helpful keyword glossary at the end of each chapter to help you familiarise yourself with marketing terminology, as well as multiple-choice test questions to help you revise the content of the book. The 6th edition came out in March earlier this year, meaning all of the content is fully updated and can be applied with accuracy to today’s marketplace.
The book provides a tremendous explanation of all of the key marketing disciplines, including the four Ps, services marketing, digital marketing, B2B marketing, and international marketing, to name just a few. This is a great starting point for students beginning their studies who are looking to gain a strong understanding of the key areas.
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Book Depository (International)Waterstones (International) Read more reviews and buy the book here

The book explains the importance of understanding how human habits are formed, broken and regenerated. This book gives you the tricks of getting your customers to adopt a new habit. In the book, you can see how a customer becomes a regular and how simple brands became a giant company like P&G and Starbucks by using the strategy of forming a habit.
Before buying a copy make sure to compare the price at various outlets:
Book Depository (International)Waterstones (International) Read more reviews and buy the book here

Relevance Raises Response has something of value for every marketer from beginner to student to advanced level. Always ahead of the curve, Bob Bentz has decades of experience in marketing, IVR, 800 and 900 numbers, ring tones, and now social and mobile marketing and he covers all areas in depth. He is truly a thought leader in this industry. Unlike other books in this space whose information and statistics can become outdated before the book is ever published, Bentz refers readers to a slideshare account where the information is constantly updated.
Before buying a copy make sure to compare the price at various outlets:
Book Depository (International)Waterstones (International) Read more reviews and buy the book here