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You can Grow your Business with Guerilla Marketing. These Books will tell you how

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Guerrilla Marketing has become increasingly prevalent and effective in the digital age we are living in, so can you really afford to not be implementing these strategies in your business? Learn how how to master this marketing technique with these books.

The Guerrilla Marketing Handbook by Jay Levinson

This product was recommended by Avinash Chandra from BrandLoom

The Guerrilla Marketing Handbook by Jay Levinson

The term “guerilla marketing” is gaining a lot of traction now- but the concept is not new. Godin and Levinson’s book is one of the first one written on it, and it still remains the best. In this book, they talk about proper product positioning- which forms the key to understanding and executing guerrilla marketing tactics. The authors give details about the tools and methods used for guerrilla marketing, and overall, they urge the reader to plan their strategy step-by-step. It is lucidly written, and many of the ideas and concepts they talk about are still relevant. However, this book does not talk about digital ideas that pertain to the internet. Still, it is a must-read for all marketers.

Contagious by Jonah Berger

This product was recommended by Jovan Milenkovic from KommandoTech

Contagious is a New York Times bestseller written by Jonah Berger that illustrates exactly why peer-to-peer and word of mouth marketing is so effective. The book helps to explain this phenomenon, and understanding the real power of marketing through public opinion, which is even more relevant nowadays with social media. The book emphasizes the 6 principles that can create the conditions for something to go viral. This includes everything from suggestions from co-workers and friends to new products on Youtube videos. A definite must-have book for anyone entering the world of marketing, since these concepts can be applied in any industry or profession in 2021.

Marketing For Dummies by Jeanette McMurtry

This product was recommended by Norhanie Pangulima from Indoor Champ

This book allows us to better understand drivers for purchasing. The author is a marketing authority without any doubt! This book is incredibly thoughtful and easy to follow. It’s an excellent guide for any marketing questions and struggles that you may be having. This book is a great reference to have at your fingertips. You won’t be an expert form reading it, but if marketing is your field, you’ll find many helpful details for your projects and campaigns.

The Best of Guerilla Marketing By Jay Conrad Levinson

This product was recommended by Melanie Musson from QuoteInspector

The Best of Guerrilla Marketing: Guerrilla Marketing Remix

The Best of Guerilla Marketing By Jay Conrad Levinson

This book brilliantly takes the best advice, tips, and strategies from over 25 guerilla marketing books and combines them in one place. It focuses on traditional marketing methods as well as digital marketing. It truly is a well-rounded approach to marketing that will be helpful to anyone.

Guerrilla Marketing for a Bulletproof Career by Jay Conrad Levinson

This product was recommended by Torben Lonne from DIVEIN

I picked up this book the other day to entertain myself during these times of self-isolation due to coronavirus, and it absolutely delivered. Even though it was written back in 2011, the core concepts of guerilla marketing still apply nowadays. Especially during the coronavirus, as the book is a survival kit of sorts for times of crises and economic uncertainty. The book teaches you how to use creative ways to maximize your career opportunities while making more money and working less. The author provides a roadmap of how to make the most out of your business opportunities even if your investment is blindsided by an economic crisis. It teaches you to view marketing from a different perspective, and these concepts can be applied to digital marketing techniques in 2021 as well.

Guerrilla Marketing on the Internet by Jay Levinson

This product was recommended by Shiyang Gong from AILaw.Inc

Jay Levinson has considered the father of guerrilla marketing involves this approach with an unconventional ultimate marketing tool, i.e., the internet. The convolution of both of these concepts unveils this masterpiece. This book will be good enough to serve as a foundation to where you will be better situated to do that with other marketing materials in the future, possibly. It discusses how to boost up the website traffic, and achieve greater online visibility. How visitors can be converted into paying clients and create multiple streams of income.

Fanocracy by David Meerman Scott

This product was recommended by Paige Arnof-Fenn from Mavens & Moguls

David’s new book is a real world practitioner’s guide from someone who has lived the job from the front line, he has been there and done it so he tells it like it is not theoretically but from the trenches. The name of the game today s how to hijack the media and get your fans engaged online and here is the manual to do it.

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