One of the things about living in a 24/7 interconnected, globalized world is that you probably could never run out of things to do. The bad news is, you can’t even remotely do all that you probably want to in the short time you have allocated on this earth.
But by putting a little effort in managing your time you might very well take control of all the productive activities you are required to do during the day so later you have considerable leisure time to spend doing what you please.
Busy people around the world figured the science behind successfully managing time years ago, and are ready to tell you all about it if you only take the time to learn from the best books on time management available. Don’t waste one more sec.
#1 The Myth of Multitasking by Dave Crenshaw

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#2 The Power of Having Fun by Dave Crenshaw

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#3 Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy

Another focal point that I enjoy is the discussion of prioritising tasks that give you the biggest results. In other words, honing in on high-value tasks that will propel you and your business forward rather than getting caught up in the stagnating trap of busy work. The author makes several other helpful points throughout the book however, these two continue impacting the way I work and have made a long lasting impression on my overall success as a business owner. I continue to write my “To-Do” lists every day and they set the tone overall tone of my day in a very positive and efficient way.
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#4 The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management by Hyrum Smith

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#5 Miracle Morning Millionaires by Hal Elrod and David Osborne

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#6 First Things First: First Things First by Stephen R. Covey

What I love about this book is it teaches you about how to get the most important things done in all aspects of your life.
As an entrepreneur it’s easy to get caught up in getting more work stuff done, and completely forgetting about the really important things – family, friends, and of course, yourself.
You can’t manage time. But you can manage what you do in that time.
This book changed by life.
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#7 The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande

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#8 Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Productive, and Happy Life by Brian Solis

- Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and other popular apps/games were deliberately designed to change our behaviours (it’s called persuasive design).
- On average it takes 23 minutes to regain focus every time you pull away from a project to check your phone or twitter feed.
- 36% of Millennials and Gen Z employees say they spend two hours or more checking their smartphones for personal activities during the workday.
- Digital distractions cost the U.S. economy $997 billion(!) a year in lost productivity.
- Multitasking, the way most Americans “get things done,” actually reduces productivity by 40% and lowers IQ scores.
- Social Media is damaging our teens. The more time they spend on social media, the more likely they are to be depressed, suffer low self-esteem and compare themselves negatively to their peers. 50+% prefer texting to talking!
- In fact, the more time any of us spend on social media, the more likely we are to be depressed.
- This list goes on. Today, most people are living with persistent distraction because it’s just a fact of life now. But, like cigarettes, which were originally endorsed by doctors, many of the devices and social networks we use were designed to be addictive. It’s time for a holistic approach to putting digital distractions in their place.
In Lifescale, Brian shares:
- The straight dope on how the tech industry got us addicted and keeps us addicted to Facebook, gaming and more;
- His own challenges with distraction and ineffective multitasking and explores his journey to find short-term hacks and then long-term solutions to solve this problem. And then…
- Maps out a plan all of us can use to regain focus and creativity while learning to use Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, emails and all those apps on our smartphones as tools that enhance our lives instead of dominating them.
There are thousands of self-help books on the market, but there is no other book like Lifescale. Brian learned this first-hand as he looked for solutions on his own journey to rebuild his focus, creativity and happiness. Now he’s sharing what he’s learned with readers who join him on the Lifescale journey.”
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#9 Summary: How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life by Businessnews Publishing

While the book itself is now considered a classic in its field, the principles and methods that Lakein teaches are truly timeless. And those methods can work equally well in both professional and personal settings.
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#10 Time Management for Small Business by Kris Ward

With Win The Hour Win The Day. . . It’s easy to implement strategies and principals that give you a frame work to work within. You can see immediate results! ”
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#11 Making Minutes Matter by Mary Kutheis

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Mack Dudayev from Realtor Chance Realty LLC
David Sanchez from Mammoth Web Solutions
Matt York from Queen City Buyer
Steve Deane from Stevedeane
Yaniv Masjedi from Nextiva
Sarah Wilson from Pop! Communications Campaigns
Timothy Wiedman from Doane University
Kris Ward from Win The Hour Win The Day
Tom Gatti from Black Twig Marketing + Communications