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The human psyche is a fascinating web of complex patterns that originate in the brain and end up influencing how we act. Sound complicated?
It is, but not in the books listed below. While they’re fully scientifically supported, the authors specifically wrote with beginners in mind. Learn about why we use stereotypes, how we read and write, and more in these amazing books! And if you really want to be able to mind, you better switch to reading about crystal balls.

If you find yourself running away from fear, you’re running in the wrong direction. Fear demands that we move toward it, face it, and hear its messages. When we fail to do this, the price is high—chronic anxiety, sleeplessness, damaged relationships, skyrocketing pharmaceutical use, and more. In her enlightening book Joy from Fear, clinical psychologist Dr. Carla Marie Manly explains that fear is not the enemy we thought it was; fear, when faced with awareness, is the powerful ally and best friend we all need.
Dr. Manly’s work is firmly based in science but goes far beyond presenting the dry facts. Joy from Fear offers page after page of real-life examples, insights, easy-to-use tools, and life-changing exercises. Coining the term transformational fear, Dr. Manly illuminates the importance of embracing fear’s messages for a transformed life filled with freedom and lasting happiness.
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Instead of getting overwhelmed by the holidays this year, learn how to do it differently! Christine Scott-Hudson is a licensed psychotherapist who shows women how to create a peaceful and cozy holiday season. Scott-Hudson believes that the holidays do not have to be stressful and her book , 150 Holiday Self-Care Activities, details 150 ways to create an intentional and mindful holiday season. Scott-Hudson shares how supporting your own self-care before, during, and after the holidays will reduce anxiety, help you feel good, and help you focus on the things that truly matter. “Self-care isn’t selfish. Self-care is sacred. Self-care is necessary. During the holidays, self-care is needed more than ever!” says Scott-Hudson.
Christine Scott-Hudson is a Santa Barbara psychotherapist, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Clinical Art Therapist, and Certified Somatic Therapist. She is also the owner of Create Your Life Studio, a private psychotherapy practice and art therapy studio for women and girls in Santa Barbara. Scott-Hudson is a Creative Wellness Expert. She has written and been published in around 300 psychology articles. This is her first book.
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When we think about the subconscious mind, we typically think of an opaque sub-basement of our brains, full of repressed desires and complicated emotions; this often dark and twisty concept of a secret self was brought to us by the prolific 20th century psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud. Turns out he was, in many ways, wrong—and Mlodinow has found a way to talk about the healthy, normal and incredibly complex subconscious human mind in a witty, engaging, storytelling-style that remains grounded in recent research without reading dry or academic. It’s fun to read, an actual page-turner.
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This just released book (September 2019) looks like yet another expletive-heavy, sarcastic self-help read on the surface—but there’s much more to Find Your Fckyeah than meets the eye. With guided scientific experiments and refreshing wit, Rockley proves why the one-size-fits-all success formulas and trendy morning routines won’t sustain our happiness—and shows us how to find what will, tackling the social programming and biological defaults that fuel our limiting beliefs in the process. For anyone tired of feeling the pressure to be better, do more, and work faster to find happiness—to self-optimize, shut up, and fit in—Find Your Fckyeah is a breath of fresh air, offering the tools finally take our lives off autopilot and find joy where we’re at right now. Rockley translates the hard science of happiness for a generation that speaks emoji, an excellent introduction to understanding your mysterious mind.
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Haidt masterfully blends classic philosophy with cutting-edge psychology, breaking down what we know about happiness in a totally new and riveting way. You’ll read about everything from Buddhism to Prozac; cognitive therapy to falling in love; split-brain patients to chimpanzees. It’s excellently argued, academic without being boring, and an excellent introductory book on the psychology of happiness.
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Psychiatrist Norman Doidge has found a way to throw the full weight of neuroscience behind the power of positive thinking, telling the jaw-dropping stories of real-life patients with miraculous recoveries from brain injury, illness, and trauma with both tact and passion. It’s hard science from front to back, introducing us to the discovery of brain-plasticity (the brain can heal itself) and what this can mean for psychology of the future—but by weaving research with real life stories, Doidge hooks us from the start.
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Through the use of illustrations and quotations, The Psychology Book simplifies and explains the various psychological theories. It discusses thinkers such as Freud, Maslov and up to thinkers of psychological thought today. It Is comprehensive, thorough and easy to use..
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This book offers a fascinating introduction into the influential power that a single method of thinking may have upon a variety of psychological attributes. The writer’s own story is an example of perseverance and resilience.
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This book provides an easily understandable and relatable explanation of habits that is perfect for beginners to the field of psychology. It gives an insight into behaviour change, the processes behind it, and has real world applications that the reader can experiment with to change their own bad habits, or start new beneficial ones.
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The reason why this book is a great read especially for beginners in psychology is that it makes you want to take a good look upon yourself first and foremost, if both your mindset and actions is truly aligned with your goal of doing whatever it takes to become successful like Bill Gates. It also makes you realize that while practice doesn’t necessarily make anyone perfect, it does help make one get better at doing something. Even me, someone who travels while working, is no exception to this. Well, all I can say about this is that I still have much to learn about what I do and this book surely is one big help.
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