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Remembering the Kanji 1 by James W. Heisig
This product was recommended by Nikita Verma from PurpleCrest Management Consulting

In this book, Kanji are presented with their meaning and mnemonic stories that make them truly memorable in a foundational order. He presents the meanings of kanji composed of primitives before creating a mnemonic involving the primitives to aid in remembering the new kanji’s meaning. In this first book, you will only learn kanji writing and meaning. The next book in the series will teach pronunciation. The third book contains 1,000 more kanji to increase fluency. In addition, there is the Kana which teaches the Japanese syllabaries hiragana and katakana.
Kanji in MangaLand by Marc Bernabé
This product was recommended by Stephen Curry from CocoSign

This book presents language learners with a new, exciting and educational way to learn Japanese through manga. It uses different drawings of the parts that make up each kanji character and show a manga-style diagram to help the reader link situations with meaning. Moreover, the literature introduces the concept of compound words, stroke structure, meaning, and unique features such as identifying a kanji that looks similar to other or older characters of the same character.
Let’s Learn Kanji by Yasuko Kosaka Mitamura
This product was recommended by Lynda Fairly from Numlooker

Let’s Learn Kanji is my preference. Penned down by Yasuko Kosaka Mitamura and Joyce Mitamura, this book features the best resources to help you read and write Japanese on your own. Radicals, components, and 250 basic Kanji are included in the book. It’s a fantastic workbook teaching the easy trick to write the basic strokes and the function of Kanji in the sentence context. The engaging quizzes and puzzles keep the learner hooked.
Kanji in Context Reference Book by Inter-university Center for Japanese Language Studies
This product was recommended by Shiv Gupta from Incrementors

Kanji in Context is a three-book series. The Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies and the Japan Times collaborated on the books. After reading Heisig’s book, you may use Kanji in Context to establish a solid vocabulary. In other words, when you utilise Kanji in Context, you don’t need to study vocabulary; instead, you learn sentences making it much simpler to recall how a word is used because you already have one solid example of right use. Have you ever learned a term like fire and then struggled to remember if it meant ignite a fire or fire an employee? You don’t have that difficulty with these books since Kanji in Background provides the context.
Kanji From Zero! 1 by Mr George Trombley
This product was recommended by Cathy Mills from Net Influencer

Kanji from scratch is an excellent option to learn these characters in a very didactic way. The book has proven techniques, so there is a great chance that you will learn very quickly. Additionally, there are several connections and associations in the book to make it much easier to learn Kanji in a fun way.