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Read and Speak Greek for Beginners by Hara Garoufalia-Middle
This product was recommended by Alex Alexakis from PixelChefs

As a native greek in the USA, I wanted to make sure that my children could learn the language too, and I used this book to start them off. It is a great starter book, but not too easy that they only learn words. They can string the words together to make a sentence, and they learned how to have a basic conversation in just 2 weeks, which is very fast! After many months and years, they now use both English and Greek in their life, and I could not be more proud of them. I think that language learning is about the process and the consistency, and if you dedicate enough time to it, you can learn anything at a good pace. This book is suitable for adults starting out too, so it can be a fun family activity.’
Learn to Read Greek in 5 days by Georgios Papadakis
This product was recommended by Harriet Chan from CocoFinder

This book is the best language guide for Greek. It starts with letters and later extends with words. Later, it introduces grammar and dialogues in this foreign language. I have read this book, and I recommend it because of its efficient approach to teaching a new language to a newbie. In 5 days, you will get an overview of this language, and you will feel comfortable communicating in this language. You can surf the content one page after another without skipping in the middle. The content is drafted wisely to enlighten the readers in a stepwise procedure.
Greek: An Intensive Course by Hardy Hansen
This product was recommended by Shiv Gupta from Incrementors

This book is for you if you’re the type to push yourself to your limits. Greek: An Intensive Course is designed specifically for people who want to learn how to read Greek, hence it has a strong grammar game. It’s likely one of the few titles focusing on Classical Greek that current language learners can utilise as well. Of course, it shouldn’t be your only learning tool.
From Alpha to Omega: A Beginning Course in Classical Greek by Anne H. Groton
This product was recommended by Lynda Fairly from Numlooker

This book assumes no prior knowledge of Greek and provides a succinct, systematic course in the essentials of the language. The appearance is not that intimidating, but it manages to comport with high standards of scholarship. You will find that the teaching is exhaustive in the sense that you will learn all Latin letters, their sequence and pronunciation. The most important rules of grammar are given in lucid terms. The exercises are abundant and helpful. You will see that each chapter is divided into sections and each section is composed of brief but informative sections called “themes”.
Get Your Greek On!: Basic Greek in Two Weeks By Peter Schultz
This product was recommended by Charles Cridland from YourParkingSpace

This little book (it’s only 60 pages long) will help you learn some basic principles of the modern Greek language and have fun doing it. It’s perfect for students and travelers who are total beginners and want to learn the basics of Greek fast. The lessons are easy to comprehend, especially if you have experience with learning other languages. Of course, two weeks are not enough to become fluent, but this book can give you the confidence to try speaking and express yourself.
Living Language Greek by Stamatina Mastorakou
This product was recommended by Tasneem H. from The Stock Dork

I highly recommend this book, it’s a complete guide for learning greek and covers all essential areas in learning the language. In this book, you’ll find a great combination of vocabulary, dialogues, phrases, sentences to say and repeat in different situations. It covers the different levels of language from beginner to advanced. Also, the audio that comes with the book is a huge plus to improve listening skills and pronunciation. This book makes the greek language way easier and more enjoyable and most importantly, it enhances the four skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing) together as one complete guide. You will feel the difference from the first week.