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Books to Read On How to Improve Your Work Desk for Programmers in 2019

Ergonomics can be complicated. Sometimes choices that you have made for the arrangement of your desk might actually be hurting your body and impacting your health.

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Ergonomics can be complicated. Sometimes choices that you have made for the arrangement of your desk might actually be hurting your body and impacting your health. If you work from home or if you are working in a shared office space, you might not know what to do to make your office space comfortable and ergonomic.

Thankfully for everyone who has to set up their own desk, there are lots of resources out there to help you get your desk set up for your health and comfort. Most of the changes that you may need to make are easily done and they will be well worth doing.

Books to Read on How to Improve Your Work Desk for Programmers

  1. Office Ergonomics : Practical Applications: This is a great book to learn basic ergonomics and figure out how to make your workspace truly functional and safe. Set up like a textbook, this book is approachable and offers common sense advice.
  2. Office Ergonomics: Ease and Efficiency at Work: This is a thorough discussion of office ergonomics which will cover every topic that you have ever had questions about. You will learn about how to make your desk the most functional version of itself it has ever been but you will also learn about a variety of other office culprits that lead to discomfort and poor health.
  3. Safety Managers Guide to Office Ergonomics: This book offers up easy-to-follow advice that isn’t technical and will keep you from getting hurt due to your own mistakes in how you have arranged your office space. Written by an author with over 15 years of experience in office ergonomics, this book covers a wide variety of topics and will help you to stay happy and healthy for years of office work.
  4. Office Ergonomics: This is a great study of the kind of changes that have been forced upon office spaces by the advent of computers. This great book looks at the connection between happy and healthy employees and comfortable employees. This book tells you what kind of furniture is the right kind and shows you how to set up your space for efficiency as well as comfort.
  5. Occupational Ergonomics: A Practical Approach: This book is designed to be a toolkit for work health, safety and comfort. The author covers beginning steps and more complicated ways to reach your office comfort goals. The book builds on itself as it progresses through the chapters and will teach you how to analyze your work space and make sure that it is set up the best way to take care of your needs.

Your health is directly related to your ability to be productive. If you are struggling with aches and pains, or if you feel tired and worn out every day at work, you need to take what your body is telling you seriously. If you are a programmer and are looking for a new chair, check out our article on the best chairs for programmers. These great books will teach you the tools and tricks to be productive, happy and healthy at your job.

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