
20 Best Pug Books to Read in 2021 | Book List

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After an entertaining book to read? Looking for the perfect book to gift to your dad/mother/sister/anyone. This article showcases our top picks for the best Pug books. 

Best Pug Books

Looking for a book to read in 2021? Explore this list of the best The Best Pug Books to Read in 2021 | Book List books. This list was curated with thanks to ISBNdb and images partially provided by Unsplash.

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Book Title: Living With Pugs

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Living With Pugs

Living With Pugs by Von Der Leyen, Katharina. was published in 2006. It was officially published by Universe Publishing and has the ISBN: 0789313995.

Book Title: Doug The Pug: The King Of Pop Culture

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Doug The Pug: The King Of Pop Culture

Doug The Pug: The King Of Pop Culture by Leslie Mosier was published in 2016. It was officially published by St. Martin’s Griffin and has the ISBN: 1250100828.

Book Title: Autoportrait Mon Carnet Personnel

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Autoportrait Mon Carnet Personnel

Autoportrait Mon Carnet Personnel by PUG, was published in 2016. It was officially published by and has the ISBN: 2706126124.

Book Title: The Goodger Guide To The Pug (classic Dog Book Series)

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The Goodger Guide To The Pug (classic Dog Book Series)

The Goodger Guide To The Pug (classic Dog Book Series) by Wilhelmina Swainston-goodger was published in 1995. It was officially published by Otr Pubns and has the ISBN: 0940269112.

Book Title: Complete Pug

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Complete Pug

Complete Pug by Trullinger, James W., Denlinger, Milo G.,, Howell, Elsworth S. was published in 1972. It was officially published by Howell Book House and has the ISBN: 0876052634.

Book Title: Training Your Pug (training Your Dog Series)

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Training Your Pug (training Your Dog Series)

Training Your Pug (training Your Dog Series) by Brenda Belmonte was published in 2008. It was officially published by B.e.s. Publishing and has the ISBN: 0764140299.

Book Title: Entre Le Social Et Le Vital: L’éducation Physique Et Sportive Sous Tensions– : Xviiie-xxe Siècle

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Entre Le Social Et Le Vital: L'éducation Physique Et Sportive Sous Tensions-- : Xviiie-xxe Siècle

Entre Le Social Et Le Vital: L’éducation Physique Et Sportive Sous Tensions– : Xviiie-xxe Siècle by Pug was published in 2009. It was officially published by Presses Universitaires De Grenoble and has the ISBN: 2706111631.

Book Title: Battlepug Volume 3

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Battlepug Volume 3

Battlepug Volume 3 by Mike Norton was published in 2012. It was officially published by Dark Horse Books and has the ISBN: 1616555947.

Book Title: Everything Pug Book

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Everything Pug Book

Everything Pug Book by Thornton, Kim Campbell. was published in 2005. It was officially published by Adams Media and has the ISBN: 1593373147.

Book Title: Pug (smart Owner’s Guide)

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Pug (smart Owner's Guide)

Pug (smart Owner’s Guide) by Dog Fancy Magazine was published in 2009. It was officially published by Companionhouse Books and has the ISBN: 1593787626.

Book Title: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Pugs

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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Pugs

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Pugs by Liz Palika was published in 20050301. It was officially published by Dorling Kindersley US and has the ISBN: 1440696411.

Book Title: Pig and Pug

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Pig and Pug

Pig and Pug by Laura Marchesani; Zenaides A. Medina Jr. was published in 20150310. It was officially published by Penguin US and has the ISBN: 0698403533.

Book Title: Hawaii Pug-o

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Hawaii Pug-o

Hawaii Pug-o by Olson, Michael, Smiley, Bob, Williams, Harland, Disney Storybook Artists, Disney Enterprises (1996-), Disney Book Group, Disney Junior (firm) was published in 2017. It was officially published by Disney Press, and has the ISBN: 1518254489.

Book Title: Homer For The Holidays: The Further Adventures Of Wilson The Pug

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Homer For The Holidays: The Further Adventures Of Wilson The Pug

Homer For The Holidays: The Further Adventures Of Wilson The Pug by Nancy Levine, Wilson The Pug was published in 2004. It was officially published by Avery and has the ISBN: 067003360x.

Book Title: Pug Puppies 2012 Square 12×12 Wall Calendar

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Pug Puppies 2012 Square 12x12 Wall Calendar

Pug Puppies 2012 Square 12×12 Wall Calendar by Browntrout Publishers Inc was published in 2011. It was officially published by Browntrout Publishers and has the ISBN: 1421686422.

Book Title: The Tao Of Pug

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The Tao Of Pug

The Tao Of Pug by Nancy Levine was published in 2003. It was officially published by Avery and has the ISBN: 0670032581.

Book Title: Pug Joke Book: An Illustrated Collection

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Pug Joke Book: An Illustrated Collection

Pug Joke Book: An Illustrated Collection by Pug, Momo J was published in 2016. It was officially published by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform and has the ISBN: 1537061607.

Book Title: Homer for the Holidays: The Further Adventures of Wilson the Pug

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Homer for the Holidays: The Further Adventures of Wilson the Pug

Homer for the Holidays: The Further Adventures of Wilson the Pug by Nancy Levine was published in October 2004. It was officially published by Penguin Group (USA) and has the ISBN: 067003360X.

Book Title: Pig The Winner

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Pig The Winner

Pig The Winner by Aaron Blabey was published in 2016. It was officially published by Scholastic Uk and has the ISBN: 1407171992.

Book Title: Pugs For Dummies

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Pugs For Dummies

Pugs For Dummies by Elaine Waldorf Gewirtz was published in 2004. It was officially published by For Dummies and has the ISBN: 0764540769.

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