It is known that effective marketing is crucial for any business, so make sure you are well versed in this area. We’ve picked out our favorite books to help you improve, whether you are new to marketing or looking for a new angle to give your business a competitive edge, so take a look below.
The CEO’s Guide to Marketing by Lonny Kocina
This product was recommended by Lonny Kocina from Publicity
You are looking at a must-have book for all marketers. It is 236 pages of the most practical marketing advice you will ever read. The CEO’s Guide to Marketing outlines a six-step process called Strategically Aimed Marketing, or SAM 6® for short. It will bring clarity to marketing like you’ve never experienced before. It’s literally a step-by-step guide to more leads, higher sales and a stronger brand.
While the title suggests this book is only for CEOs–the subtitle points out that it’s not. If you are a marketing manager, writer, graphic designer or anyone else who has a hand in marketing, you should buy this book and read it before your CEO does. After all, as a marketing professional, you should know more about marketing than your CEO. You don’t want to be caught flat-footed or off guard.
The CEO’s Guide to Marketing will make you the smartest marketer in the room, and that’s no kidding around. You are going to wish you had this book years ago. Strategically Aimed Marketing–SAM 6®–eliminates these challenges and improves your team’s marketing by organizing their efforts. It uses a streamlined, six-step process that’s easy to implement, fun to follow and amazingly effective. It reduces any confusion around your marketing initiatives and creates a unified team that’s laser-focused on producing campaigns that get results.
Ageless Startup by Rick Terrien
This product was recommended by Rick Terrien from Ageless Startup
There are hundreds of millions of people across the world who are in the second half of life. They have knowledge, know-how, and networks that can be put to good use coming out of this crisis. I wrote my book to help this demographic launch and market new businesses, no matter their age. Nothing happens without great business marketing and these folks have a valuable story to tell. Making a difference is ageless.
Brand Seduction by Daryl Weber
This product was recommended by Daryl Weber from DarylWeber
This book aims to give business owners and marketers a new way of looking at brands – from the unconscious perspective. Much of our decisions are driven by unconscious processes, but most marketers ignore this powerful side of brands. This book explains in a fun, easy to read way, how brands actually work in the mind, and what businesses can do to better connect with their audiences.
The Expansion Sale by Erik Peterson
This product was recommended by Dara Avenius from Fascinate Media
The Expansion Sale provides everything you need to seize the competitive edge in the customer-success space. Authors Erik Peterson and Tim Riesterer explain how the buying psychology of existing customers differs from that of new customers, and show how to adapt your commercial engagement strategies accordingly. They provide clear, easy-to-apply messaging frameworks for creating and delivering winning conversations in the four must-win commercial moments of customer success: ensuring renewals, communicating price increases, increasing upsells, and apologizing effectively for service failures.
This is Marketing by Seth Godin
This product was recommended by Scot J Chrisman from The Media House
This book has been extremely influential in my marketing career. When I first picked it up, I found myself learning the same things I’ve been told by many other great educational marketers, but this time it made sense in a whole new way. Seth’s book led to me creating a blueprint I’ve used with a client to reach over $2 Million in sales and generate thousands of leads for multiple small businesses around the nation. If you’re looking to create a change in the world and want to know how to create a product, serve an audience, shape your brand and create a small tribe of dedicated and loyal customers, this one’s for you.
Online Marketing Bootcamp By Gundi Gabrielle
This product was recommended by Melanie Musson from AutoInsuranceCompanies
This book gets the reader established on a firm foundation with its ten pillars for success. It then provides practical tips and strategies that have been proven to be effective. No matter what your personality, you will discover that you can be successful when you put your energy into the right kind of marketing for your business.
Digital Marketing Excellence by Dave Chaffey
This product was recommended by Eleanor Bennett from
This is a highly comprehensive read covering the major marketing channels and considerations that you are going to encounter when setting up your digital marketing strategy for a new business. While the material may not be up to the minute information on how to market to every new social network in detail, this book more than covers the essentials in terms of how to target your audience, positioning your products, observing the marketplace, testing, budgeting, and optimization. This book does a brilliant job of detailing the core elements that are essential for properly structuring a business’s marketing efforts. This book was truly valuable when I studied for my Master’s degree and still comes in very handy every time I assist in overseeing new marketing strategies for businesses to implement (across both B2C & B2B).
1-page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib
This product was recommended by Ali Rizvi from Dream Superhero

This book is the easiest and fastest way to create a marketing plan that will propel your business growth.
Boss Up!: This Ain’t Your Mama’s Business Book by Lindsay Teague Moreno
This product was recommended by Lindsay Teague Moreno from LindsayTeagueMoreno
Boss Up! will help you put your business on the map and the ideas you’ve previously only dreamed about into the marketplace. It will help you overcome your fears and guilt to find a fulfillment that changes you and your families for the better.
And it will help you break free of the hard and boring and allow you to have fun along the way. In Boss Up! Lindsay helps you gain the confidence to know that having ambition doesn’t make you a bad mother or wife. That it’s okay to have a desire for something more than endless sippy cups, clean-ups, Band-Aids, and groundings. That no matter your education or experience, you can tap into your passions and create businesses that give you increased flexibility, fulfillment, and financial security. And Lindsay doesn’t just do this through commiserating but, instead, through giving you the tools for change. Using the lessons she learned on her own path to success, Lindsay shares real, solid business principles with ten distinct success philosophies that you will encounter on the journey to entrepreneurship.
Start Something That Matters by Blake Mycoskie
This product was recommended by Marcio Delgado from Working With Influencers
Very often we see suggestions of business marketing booksthat look very much the same because people don’t realize that, in business,marketing goes beyond the traditional formulas. In Start Something That Matters, entrepreneur Blake Mycoskietells the story of TOMS, his buy-one-give-one pioneer Toms Shoes and how givingback can set a company apart from others – and when a business discovers itscore story, it can become a powerful marketing tool.
Epic Content Marketing by Joe Pulizzi
This product was recommended by Nikola Roza from NikolaRoza
Joe Pullizzi is the founder or Content Marketing Institute, so you’d think he’ll know a thing or two about content marketing.And the thing(s) he knows he teaches in this masterpiece. Epic Content Marketing teaches you how to position your business in you niche/industry and what are the required elements of successful content making strategy (writing in your voice; avoiding sales talk which ruins credibility, being consistent…) This book is a must read for anyone building a content-based business online.
Crushing It! by Gary Vanyerchuk
This product was recommended by Julianne Buonocore from Jules Buono

Four-time New York Times best-selling author Gary Vaynerchuk is the ultimate social media marketing guru. In Crushing It! he offers his unique perspective as well as stories from other entrepreneurs who have mastered social media and created wealth as a result, in a way that is both inspiring and accessible. The reader gets both small tips and tried-and-true strategies regarding a variety of platforms. His likely presentation makes him a favorite of entrepreneurs everywhere.
Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller
This product was recommended by Andrei Vasilescu from DontPayFull
David Miller’s StoryBrand method is a revolutionary solution to the hardship marketers face in connecting with their audience. This book teaches us the secret of informing the customers about the benefits of using certain products, services or ideas. This StoryBrand teaches us the real reasons people buy, how to create and deliver simple brand message that can be easily understood by the audience and how to create the most penetrating messaging for and social media platforms. Building a StoryBrand greatly improves the implied value you deliver to your audiences.
Digital Marketing Strategy by Simon Kingsnorth
This product was recommended by Andrei Vasilescu from DontPayFull
This book provides the latest updates of social media marketing, content marketing, SEO, marketing automation and personalization, building brand, online customer experience etc. In addition to those, this book features email marketing, messaging, online and offline integration, data protection, privacy strategies etc. In short, Simon Kingsnorth, the author of this amazing handbook of digital marketing teaches different practical ways of reaching audience, engaging them, lead generation, building trust and generate sales through digital marketing.
Brand Now by Nick Westergaard
This product was recommended by John Stevenson from Top VPN Canada
When I first picked up this book, I was impressed by its writing style. Despite the absence of all the unnecessary fluff, it is easy to scan its contents and grasp all the essential points. It guides you through the steps of building your brand and offers smart advice along the way. I love how the key points are delivered in small, digestible parts throughout its pages. It won’t be too heavy for new entrepreneurs, so this makes it a great source to start from when they are looking to grow their brand.
Killing Marketing by Joe Pulizzi
This product was recommended by John Stevenson from Top VPN Canada
Killing Marketing is a book that talks to those who have sunk their feet into marketing. Reading it compelled me to look back on my marketing strategies and think of other approaches that can be done to generate more profit for my business. It gives sharp insights into what we already know about marketing and shows us how content marketing can turn your company into a center of revenue. It’s a truly eye-opening read for any marketing specialist out there.