This article showcases our top picks for the Best Books To Learn Portuguese. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).
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The Essential Guide To Portuguese
This product was recommended by Lynda Fairly from Numlooker

The Essential Guide To Portuguese is a great resource for those who want to learn Portuguese. It’s an easy read that includes basic phrases and vocabulary as well as helpful tips on pronunciation, grammar, and culture. It has everything needed to know about the language, traditions, and people. It’s extremely useful for those interested in learning more about Portuguese culture or who recently arrived in Portugal.
Ponto De Encontro by Anna M. Klobucka
This product was recommended by Nancy Michelle Côté from Ericeira Family Adventures

I really found this book to be my go to since I originally learnt Portuguese in Brazil, and then had to adapt to the Portuguese spoken in Portugal once I moved there. This book outlines the differences between both varieties and allows the learner to practice either in the very complete activity books which come included. I also enjoyed the notes on culture.
Portuguese Short Stories for Beginners by Lingo Mastery
This product was recommended by Abbie from Prezzies

This is a great book for beginners. It includes fun stories and uses realistic examples of day-to-day situations. Each story is followed by a synopsis both in English and in Portuguese to make sure you understood what you read, followed by a related vocabulary and slang words used earlier!
Learn-Portuguese-Learning-Beginners by Daily Language Learning
This product was recommended by Harriet Chan from CocoFinder

The perfect book for beginners to learn Portuguese. The fun way of teaching technique helped me to master the language in a short time. 11 stories include grammar and phrases. In the end, I am comfortable with the basics and understand the fundamentals of this new language. The storytelling approach in teaching the language has given positive results to every reader.