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Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards
This product was recommended by Lynda Fairly from Numlooker

Drawing is a skill that many people wish to be able to learn. However, even with the best intentions, it is difficult for most people to draw without proper instruction and practice. This book is involved in connecting feelings and thoughts which make it valuable for those looking at learning how to paint or draw better. It provides readers with a set of tools and techniques that will help them learn how to draw in a natural, intuitive way. Among many other important things, it also emphasizes finding the vision. Whether you’re good at drawing or not, understanding what it is that inspires you will really help you develop your creativity and improve your skill set.
I Can Draw Animals by Ray Gibson
This product was recommended by Julie from Nature Inspired Learning

Bright and colorful, How to Draw Animals is a wonderful book for young kids. If your toddler or elementary aged child is interested in drawing, this book is a great choice. Step by step directions for how to draw each animal is shown along with simple text. As a parent, I love resources that foster independence and creativity. This book does both in a fun and interactive way!
How to Draw by Alisa Calder
This product was recommended by Cathy Mills from Net Influencer

How to Draw is an essential book if you are looking to learn this technique in detail. The book has 53 step by step drawing projects, which makes it a book that is not only theoretical but also very practical. The book explains very well the step by step of different shapes and common objects so that any person can go from being a beginner to an expert in a fun way.