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Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, Seventeenth Edition by Surya Santoso
This product was recommended by Kelly Mason from TheTutor.Link

This classic reference provides a comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the electrical engineering field. It is an essential tool for engineers and technicians working in the power, control, instrumentation and communication industries. With the latest information on industry standards, codes, and regulations, this indispensable guide is the go-to resource for any engineer.
What Every Electrical Engineering Student Must Know by Ali Alqaraghuli
This product was recommended by Kelly Mason from TheTutor.Link

This book is a must-read for electrical engineering students! It provides practical advice to help you hone in on your area of expertise, build valuable connections, and develop a successful career. Through insightful interviews, real-world examples, and actionable steps, you’ll learn how to create and cultivate the career of your dreams. Get the essential guide to launching a successful career in electrical engineering today.
Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers Sixteenth Edition by H. Wayne Beaty
This product was recommended by Gill Jones from Life is a Picnic

For those who are looking for a reliable reference book, this one is it. It covers practical details on every aspect of electric power engineering. It features the latest sections from interconnected power grids to solar and photovoltaic power generation. The chapters introduce the concepts in an easy to understand language.
Basic Electrical Engineering by V.K. Mehta
This product was recommended by Alexandra Watson from Wickfree Candles

If you are preparing for a tough exam or looking for a good reference, this book is the ideal book for you with its easy language and explanation of basic concepts. Circuits, network theorems and techniques, and much more are explained in detail in each unit. This book will teach you everything an electrical engineer needs to know.
Electrical Engineering 101 by Darren Ashby
This product was recommended by David Lee from Neutypechic

I’m suggesting this book because this is a perfect pick for the ones who just enter the vast field of electrical engineering. It starts by answering the basic question, ‘What is electricity?’ It covers the basic theory and practice of electrical engineering and electronics. The best thing I like about this book is that it explains the basics of electrical principles and the components of electronics and for better understanding gives examples from the real world. It digs into why and how electricity works, telling you about the tools you need to excel in your electronics field. A chapter on tools and troubleshooting gives beginners a good understanding to design and maintain their own electronic projects.