After an entertaining book to read? Looking for the perfect book to gift to your dad/mother/sister/anyone. This article showcases our top picks for the best Teachers Unions books.
Best Teachers Unions Books
Looking for a book to read in 2021? Explore this list of the best Teachers Unions books. This list was curated with thanks to ISBNdb and images partially provided by Unsplash.
If you have a book suggestion, feel free to drop it in the moderated comment section at the bottom of the article.
Book Title: Onderwijsbeleid Onder Druk: Een Historisch-sociologisch Onderzoek Naar Het Opereren Van Lerarenverenigingen In Het Nederlandse Onderwijsbestel
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Onderwijsbeleid Onder Druk: Een Historisch-sociologisch Onderzoek Naar Het Opereren Van Lerarenverenigingen In Het Nederlandse Onderwijsbestel by Leune, J. M. G. , 1945- was published in 1976. It was officially published by H. D. Tjeenk Willink and has the ISBN: 9001572235.
Book Title: Teacher Unions In Schools
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Teacher Unions In Schools by Johnson, Susan Moore. was published in 1984. It was officially published by Temple University Press and has the ISBN: 0877223270.
Book Title: Teachers Unions Interest
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Teachers Unions Interest by R. D. Coates was published in 1972. It was officially published by Cambridge University Press and has the ISBN: 0521097525.
Book Title: Lehrer Und Arbeiterbewegung: Entstehung U. Politik D. Ersten Gewerkschaftsorganisation D. Lehrer In Deutschland Von 1920-1923
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Lehrer Und Arbeiterbewegung: Entstehung U. Politik D. Ersten Gewerkschaftsorganisation D. Lehrer In Deutschland Von 1920-1923 by Stöhr, Wolfgang. was published in 1978. It was officially published by Verlag Arbeiterbewegung U. Gesellschaftswiss. and has the ISBN: 3921630126.
Book Title: Citizen Teacher: The Life And Leadership Of Margaret Haley
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Citizen Teacher: The Life And Leadership Of Margaret Haley by Kate Rousmaniere was published in 2005. It was officially published by Suny Press and has the ISBN: 0791464873.
Book Title: Collective Bargaining In The Public Schools
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Collective Bargaining In The Public Schools by Flygare, Thomas J. was published in 1977. It was officially published by Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation and has the ISBN: 087367099.
Book Title: Sindicalismo Docente
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Sindicalismo Docente by Oliveira, Dalila Andrade, Melo, Savana Diniz Gomes was published in 2014. It was officially published by Ccs Gráfica E Editora, and has the ISBN: 9788560917396.
Book Title: Teacher Unionism In The 1980s: Four Perspectives (australian Education Review)
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Teacher Unionism In The 1980s: Four Perspectives (australian Education Review) by Spaull, Andrew David. was published in 1986. It was officially published by Australian Council For Educational Research and has the ISBN: 0864310048.
Book Title: Samarbeid Og Selvstendighet
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Samarbeid Og Selvstendighet by Nergaard, Kristine., Norsk Lærerlag. was published in 1993. It was officially published by Forskningsstiftelsen Fafo and has the ISBN: 8274221117.
Book Title: Teachers’ Unions And Interest Group Politics: A Study In The Behaviour Of Organised Teachers In England And Wales
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Teachers’ Unions And Interest Group Politics: A Study In The Behaviour Of Organised Teachers In England And Wales by R. D. Coates was published in 1972. It was officially published by Cambridge University Press and has the ISBN: 0521087392.
Book Title: Collective Bargaining in Education: Negotiating Change in Today’s Schools
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Collective Bargaining in Education: Negotiating Change in Today’s Schools by was published in 2006-02-01T00:00:01Z. It was officially published by Harvard Education Press and has the ISBN: 1891792717.
Book Title: Citizen Teacher
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Citizen Teacher by Rousmaniere, Kate, Haley, Margaret A was published in 2005. It was officially published by State University Of New York Press and has the ISBN: 9780791464885.
Book Title: Zarys Dziejów Związku Nauczycielstwa Polskiego Na Lubelszczyźnie W Latach 1905-1985
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Zarys Dziejów Związku Nauczycielstwa Polskiego Na Lubelszczyźnie W Latach 1905-1985 by Alkiewicz, Mieczysław., Bichta, Henryk., Doroszewski, Jerzy., Ziązek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego was published in 1988. It was officially published by Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza and has the ISBN: 8303024302.
Book Title: Pedagógusok Szakszervezetének Xi. Kongresszusa
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Pedagógusok Szakszervezetének Xi. Kongresszusa by Pedagógusok Szakszervezete, Kongresszus, (11th : 1980 : Budapest, Hungary), Szőke, Andor. was published in 1981. It was officially published by Pedagógusok Szakszervezete and has the ISBN: 9633217334.
Book Title: Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) 1947-1975: Grundzüge ihrer Geschichte
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Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) 1947-1975: Grundzüge ihrer Geschichte by Kopitzsch, Wolfgang , 1949- was published in 1983. It was officially published by C. Winter and has the ISBN: 3533034208.
Book Title: El Movimiento Magisterial De 1958 En Mexico / The Teachers’ Movement Of 1958 In Mexico (problemas De Mexico) (spanish Edition)
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El Movimiento Magisterial De 1958 En Mexico / The Teachers’ Movement Of 1958 In Mexico (problemas De Mexico) (spanish Edition) by Aurora Loyo Brambila was published in 1998. It was officially published by Ediciones Era S.a. De C.v. and has the ISBN: 9684110014.
Book Title: Le Syndicalisme Enseignant
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Le Syndicalisme Enseignant by Geay, Bertrand. was published in 1997. It was officially published by La Découverte and has the ISBN: 2707126691.
Book Title: Teachers’ Unions In Canada
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Teachers’ Unions In Canada by Duncan Maclellan, George Bedard, Stephen B. Lawton was published in 1999. It was officially published by Brush Education and has the ISBN: 1550591924.
Book Title: Teachers and Their Unions
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Teachers and Their Unions by Todd A. DeMitchell was published in 20210115. It was officially published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group and has the ISBN: 1475854293.
Book Title: A Collective Pursuit
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A Collective Pursuit by Lesley Lavery was published in 20210529. It was officially published by Temple University Press and has the ISBN: 1439919372.