After an entertaining book to read? Looking for the perfect book to gift to your dad/mother/sister/anyone. This article showcases our top picks for the best Price Comparison books.
Best Price Comparison Books
Looking for a book to read in 2021? Explore this list of the best Price Comparison books. This list was curated with thanks to ISBNdb and images partially provided by Unsplash.
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Book Title: Price Comparison Service
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Price Comparison Service by Surhone, Lambert M., Tennoe, Mariam T., Henssonow, Susan F. was published in . It was officially published by and has the ISBN: 6133245522.
Book Title: Price Comparison Profits
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Price Comparison Profits by was published in 2008. It was officially published by Canonbury Publishing Ltd and has the ISBN: 0955567165.
Book Title: Auction Theory
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Auction Theory by Krishna, Vijay. was published in 2002. It was officially published by Academic Press and has the ISBN: 012426297.
Book Title: Auction Theory
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Auction Theory by Vijay Krishna was published in 2002. It was officially published by Academic Press and has the ISBN: 012426297x.
Book Title: Medicaid Drug Price Comparison: Average Sale Price To Average Wholesale Price
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Medicaid Drug Price Comparison: Average Sale Price To Average Wholesale Price by Daniel R Levinson was published in 2012. It was officially published by Bibliogov and has the ISBN: 1249212715.
Book Title: Scientific Advice To Policy Making: International Comparison
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Scientific Advice To Policy Making: International Comparison by International Comparison was published in 2009. It was officially published by Verlag Barbara Budrich and has the ISBN: 386649176.
Book Title: Scientific Advice to Policy Making: International Comparison
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Scientific Advice to Policy Making: International Comparison by International Comparison was published in 2009. It was officially published by Barbara Budrich Publishers and has the ISBN: 386649176X.
Book Title: Research On Childhood Diseases By Entrepreneurs: Hearing Before The Committee On Small Business, United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, Second Session … Thursday, May 26, 1994 (s. Hrg)
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Research On Childhood Diseases By Entrepreneurs: Hearing Before The Committee On Small Business, United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, Second Session … Thursday, May 26, 1994 (s. Hrg) by United States was published in 1995. It was officially published by For Sale By The U.s. G.p.o., Supt. Of Docs., Congressional Sales Office and has the ISBN: 0160467209.
Book Title: Price Policies And Economic Growth
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Price Policies And Economic Growth by Jorge Salazar-carrillo, Antonio Jorge was published in 1997. It was officially published by Praeger and has the ISBN: 027595322.
Book Title: 2017 International Comparison Program in Asia and the Pacific
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2017 International Comparison Program in Asia and the Pacific by John Mowitt was published in 20210501. It was officially published by Asian Development Bank and has the ISBN: 9292622005.
Book Title: Vertical Price Fixing In Australia
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Vertical Price Fixing In Australia by Clarke, Philip H. was published in 1991. It was officially published by Federation Press and has the ISBN: 1862870543.
Book Title: Stock Price Bubbles: Overview And Comparison Of Explanatory Approaches
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Stock Price Bubbles: Overview And Comparison Of Explanatory Approaches by Clemens Eder was published in 2009. It was officially published by Vdm Verlag and has the ISBN: 3639166523.
Book Title: Pricing Policy And Price Controls In Developing Countries
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Pricing Policy And Price Controls In Developing Countries by K. D. Saksena was published in 1986. It was officially published by Lynne Rienner Pub and has the ISBN: 0931477859.
Book Title: Der Januskopf Des Preiswettbewerbs: Eine Wettbewerbspolitische Und Kartellrechtliche Untersuchung Über Die Ambivalenz Des Preisparameters Am Beispiel Der Absatzwirtschaft (german Edition)
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Der Januskopf Des Preiswettbewerbs: Eine Wettbewerbspolitische Und Kartellrechtliche Untersuchung Über Die Ambivalenz Des Preisparameters Am Beispiel Der Absatzwirtschaft (german Edition) by Arno Sölter was published in 1984. It was officially published by Verlagsgesellschaft Recht Und Wirtschaft and has the ISBN: 3800569582.
Book Title: Staatlich Administrierte Preise Als Mittel Der Wirtschaftspolitik: E. Empir. Erfolgskontrolle Für D. Bundesrepublik Deutschland (schriften Zur … Öffentlichen Wirtschaft) (german Edition)
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Staatlich Administrierte Preise Als Mittel Der Wirtschaftspolitik: E. Empir. Erfolgskontrolle Für D. Bundesrepublik Deutschland (schriften Zur … Öffentlichen Wirtschaft) (german Edition) by Herbert Baum was published in 1980. It was officially published by Nomos-verlagsgesellschaft and has the ISBN: 3789004839.
Book Title: The Robinson-patman Act–policy And Law
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The Robinson-patman Act–policy And Law by American Bar Association Robinson-patman Act Committee. was published in 1983. It was officially published by American Bar Association, Section Of Antitrust Law and has the ISBN: 0897070259.
Book Title: International Price Indexation
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International Price Indexation by Cuddy, J. D. A. was published in 1976. It was officially published by Saxon House Lexington Books and has the ISBN: 0347011403.
Book Title: Purchasing Power Parities And The Real Size Of World Economies: International Comparison Program 2017
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Purchasing Power Parities And The Real Size Of World Economies: International Comparison Program 2017 by World Bank Group was published in 2021. It was officially published by The World Bank and has the ISBN: 1464815305.
Book Title: A Comparison Of Price Controls And Quantity Controls Under Uncertainty
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A Comparison Of Price Controls And Quantity Controls Under Uncertainty by Yohe, Gary Wynn , 1948- was published in 1979. It was officially published by Garland Pub. and has the ISBN: 0824041372.
Book Title: Löner, Priser, Skatter: Rapport Till Lo-kongressen 1976
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Löner, Priser, Skatter: Rapport Till Lo-kongressen 1976 by Landsorganisationen I Sverige was published in 1976. It was officially published by Prisma : I Samarbete Med Landsorganisationen I Sverige Seelig] and has the ISBN: 9151810123.