After an entertaining book to read? Looking for the perfect book to gift to your dad/mother/sister/anyone. This article showcases our top picks for the best Payments books.
Best Payments Books
Looking for a book to read in 2021? Explore this list of the best Payments books. This list was curated with thanks to ISBNdb and images partially provided by Unsplash.
If you have a book suggestion, feel free to drop it in the moderated comment section at the bottom of the article.
Book Title: Vorträge Bei Der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Tagung Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft Vom 14. Bis 16. 7. 1980 In Augsburg Zum Thema, Alternative Massnahmen Zur Steigerung Der Effizienz Staatlicher Transferpolitik
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Vorträge Bei Der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Tagung Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft Vom 14. Bis 16. 7. 1980 In Augsburg Zum Thema, Alternative Massnahmen Zur Steigerung Der Effizienz Staatlicher Transferpolitik by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Internationale Wissenschaftliche Tagung (1980 : Augsburg, Germany) was published in . It was officially published by Duncker & Humblot and has the ISBN: 3428053591.
Book Title: Balances of payments of OECD countries, 1965-1984
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Balances of payments of OECD countries, 1965-1984 by Organization For Economic Co-operation And Development was published in 1986. It was officially published by Oecd Oecd Publications And Information Center, Distributor] and has the ISBN: 9264028366.
Book Title: Report From The Secret Committee On The Expediency Of The Bank Resuming Cash Payments; With The Minutes Of Evidence
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Report From The Secret Committee On The Expediency Of The Bank Resuming Cash Payments; With The Minutes Of Evidence by Payments, Great Britain Parliament was published in 2009. It was officially published by and has the ISBN: 115024173x.
Book Title: Mito Y Realidad En El Enfrentamiento De La Pobreza En América Latina
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Mito Y Realidad En El Enfrentamiento De La Pobreza En América Latina by Silva, Maria Ozanira Da Silva E, Fernández Soto, Silvia, Fernández Soto, Silvia. was published in 2019. It was officially published by Espacio Editorial, and has the ISBN: 9789508024312.
Book Title: La Méthodologie de la balance des paiements de l’Union économique belgo-luxembourgeoise =: Methodologie van de betalingsbalans van de Belgisch-Luxemburgse Economische Unie = Methodology of the balance of payments of the Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union
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La Méthodologie de la balance des paiements de l’Union économique belgo-luxembourgeoise =: Methodologie van de betalingsbalans van de Belgisch-Luxemburgse Economische Unie = Methodology of the balance of payments of the Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union by Not Available was published in 1984. It was officially published by Office Des Publications Officielles Des Communautés Européennes European Community Information Service and has the ISBN: 9282549704.
Book Title: Incentive payments Complete Self-Assessment Guide
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Incentive payments Complete Self-Assessment Guide by Gerardus Blokdyk was published in 20180618. It was officially published by Emereo and has the ISBN: 0655362053.
Book Title: Die Zahlungsbilanz Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960-1970: Eine Theoretische Und Ökonometrische Studie (german Edition)
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Die Zahlungsbilanz Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960-1970: Eine Theoretische Und Ökonometrische Studie (german Edition) by Günter Sandermann was published in 1975. It was officially published by A. Hain and has the ISBN: 3445012369.
Book Title: Balance-of-payments Theory And The United Kingdom Experience
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Balance-of-payments Theory And The United Kingdom Experience by Heather D. Gibson, A.p. Thirlwall was published in 1991. It was officially published by Palgrave Macmillan and has the ISBN: 0333566483.
Book Title: Payments as a service Third Edition
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Payments as a service Third Edition by Gerardus Blokdyk was published in 20180416. It was officially published by Emereo and has the ISBN: 0655131728.
Book Title: Haushalte Mit Ausgewählten Staatlichen Transferzahlungen: Ergebnisse Der Einkommens- Und Verbrauchsstichprobe 1978, Ergänzt Durch Ergebnisse Des … Bundesrepublik Deutschland) (german Edition)
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Haushalte Mit Ausgewählten Staatlichen Transferzahlungen: Ergebnisse Der Einkommens- Und Verbrauchsstichprobe 1978, Ergänzt Durch Ergebnisse Des … Bundesrepublik Deutschland) (german Edition) by Euler, Manfred., Klanberg, Frank., Transfer-enquête-kommission (germany) was published in 1983. It was officially published by W. Kohlhammer and has the ISBN: 3170076310.
Book Title: Sri Lanka’s Balance Of Payments, 1978-89
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Sri Lanka’s Balance Of Payments, 1978-89 by Nicholas, H., Samararatne, P., Yatawara, Ravindra A., Institute Of Policy Studies (colombo, Sri Lanka) was published in 1992. It was officially published by Institute Of Policy Studies and has the ISBN: 9559122215.
Book Title: Developments In Direct Payments
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Developments In Direct Payments by Joanna Bornat, Janet Leece was published in 2006. It was officially published by Policy Press and has the ISBN: 1861346530.
Book Title: Reforming Payments And Securities Settlement Systems In Latin America And The Caribbean
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Reforming Payments And Securities Settlement Systems In Latin America And The Caribbean by Massimo Cirasino was published in 2006. It was officially published by World Bank and has the ISBN: 0821366378.
Book Title: Fizetési Mérleg és Gazdasági Növekedés
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Fizetési Mérleg és Gazdasági Növekedés by Kissné Pavelcsák, Ágnes. was published in 1987. It was officially published by Kossuth and has the ISBN: 9630930277.
Book Title: Worth It: How A Million-dollar Pay Cut And A $70,000 Minimum Wage Revealed A Better Way Of Doing Business
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Worth It: How A Million-dollar Pay Cut And A $70,000 Minimum Wage Revealed A Better Way Of Doing Business by Price, Dan was published in 2021. It was officially published by Gravity Payments, Inc and has the ISBN: 1734157216.
Book Title: Cryptocurrency Payments The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide
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Cryptocurrency Payments The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide by Gerardus Blokdyk was published in 20181125. It was officially published by Emereo and has the ISBN: 0655554769.
Book Title: Balance Of Payments Statistics Yearbook: 2014
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Balance Of Payments Statistics Yearbook: 2014 by International Monetary Fund (IMF) was published in 2014. It was officially published by International Monetary Fund and has the ISBN: 1484375440.
Book Title: Moving money: the future of consumer payments
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Moving money: the future of consumer payments by Robert E. Litan was published in 2009. It was officially published by Brookings Institution Press and has the ISBN: 0815702779.
Book Title: Balance-of-payments Theory And The United Kingdom Experience
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Balance-of-payments Theory And The United Kingdom Experience by Thirlwall, A. P. was published in 1980. It was officially published by Macmillan and has the ISBN: 0333243684.
Book Title: The Balance Of Payments Adjustment Process In Developing Countries
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The Balance Of Payments Adjustment Process In Developing Countries by Dell, Sidney Samuel. was published in 1980. It was officially published by Pergamon Press and has the ISBN: 0080255779.