After an entertaining book to read? Looking for the perfect book to gift to your dad/mother/sister/anyone. This article showcases our top picks for the best High School Librarian books.
Best High School Librarian Books
Looking for a book to read in 2021? Explore this list of the best High School Librarian books. This list was curated with thanks to ISBNdb and images partially provided by Unsplash.
If you have a book suggestion, feel free to drop it in the moderated comment section at the bottom of the article.
Book Title: Re-designing The High School Library For The Forgotten Half: The Information Needs Of The Non-college Bound Student
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Re-designing The High School Library For The Forgotten Half: The Information Needs Of The Non-college Bound Student by Margie J. Klink Thomas was published in 2008. It was officially published by Libraries Unlimited and has the ISBN: 1591584760.
Book Title: Supplementing Literature Programs: Selected Titles
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Supplementing Literature Programs: Selected Titles by Eble, Mary M & Renton, Jeanne L. was published in 1993. It was officially published by The Scarecrow Press and has the ISBN: 0810826585.
Book Title: Connecting Libraries with Classrooms: The Curricular Roles of the Media Specialist
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Connecting Libraries with Classrooms: The Curricular Roles of the Media Specialist by Bishop, Kay was published in 2003-01-01T00:00:01Z. It was officially published by Linworth and has the ISBN: 1586830619.
Book Title: Best Practices For High School Classrooms
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Best Practices For High School Classrooms by Stone, Randi. was published in 2002. It was officially published by Corwin Press and has the ISBN: 9780761977308.
Book Title: Scènes de la vie charançonne – Dix ans de délire pédagogique (Psychologie, Psychanalyse, Pédagogie) (French Edition)
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Scènes de la vie charançonne – Dix ans de délire pédagogique (Psychologie, Psychanalyse, Pédagogie) (French Edition) by Bouchard, Corinne was published in 2003-01-29T00:00:00.000Z. It was officially published by Calmann-Lévy and has the ISBN: 2702133614.
Book Title: Henry Cooper Of Auckland Grammar School
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Henry Cooper Of Auckland Grammar School by Mason, Andrew, Auckland Grammar School Old Boys’ Association, Cooper, Henry, Auckland Grammar School was published in 2005. It was officially published by Auckland Grammar School Old Boys’ Association and has the ISBN: 1877378038.
Book Title: Early School Leavers In Australia: Family, School And Personal Determinants Of The Decision Of 16-year-old Australians To Remain At School Or To Leave
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Early School Leavers In Australia: Family, School And Personal Determinants Of The Decision Of 16-year-old Australians To Remain At School Or To Leave by Rosier, Malcolm J. was published in 1978. It was officially published by Almqvist & Wiksell International Australian Council For Educational Research and has the ISBN: 9122001484.
Book Title: Split Image
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Split Image by Mel Glenn was published in 2000. It was officially published by Harperteen and has the ISBN: 0688162495.
Book Title: Abiturienten Zwischen Schule, Studium Und Beruf: Wirklichkeit U. Wünsche (hochschulplanung) (german Edition)
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Abiturienten Zwischen Schule, Studium Und Beruf: Wirklichkeit U. Wünsche (hochschulplanung) (german Edition) by Lothar Birk was published in 1978. It was officially published by Verlag Dokumentation Saur and has the ISBN: 3794031288.
Book Title: Evil Librarian
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Evil Librarian by Michelle Knudsen was published in 2014. It was officially published by Candlewick and has the ISBN: 0763660388.
Book Title: A Survey Of Middle Level Principals And Programs (the Middle Level Principalship)
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A Survey Of Middle Level Principals And Programs (the Middle Level Principalship) by Valentine, Jerry., Keefe, James W., National Association Of Secondary School Principals (u.s.) was published in 1983. It was officially published by National Association Of Secondary School Principals and has the ISBN: 0882101323.
Book Title: Tant Qu’il Y Aura Des Profs
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Tant Qu’il Y Aura Des Profs by Hamon, Hervé. was published in 1984. It was officially published by Seuil and has the ISBN: 2021069369.
Book Title: Clippings: A One-act Play
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Clippings: A One-act Play by Fuson, Deni was published in 1997. It was officially published by S. French, U.s.a. and has the ISBN: 0573621047.
Book Title: School Library Media Programs In Action: Civic Engagement, Social Justice, And Equity (best Of Kq)
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School Library Media Programs In Action: Civic Engagement, Social Justice, And Equity (best Of Kq) by Bush, Gail. was published in 2009. It was officially published by Amer Library Assn and has the ISBN: 0838985157.
Book Title: Teen Issues – Teen Dropouts
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Teen Issues – Teen Dropouts by Elizabeth Weiss Vollstadt was published in 2000. It was officially published by Lucent Books and has the ISBN: 1560066253.
Book Title: Rethinking High School Graduation Rates And Trends
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Rethinking High School Graduation Rates And Trends by Mishel, Lawrence R. was published in 2006. It was officially published by Economic Policy Institute and has the ISBN: 1932066241.
Book Title: Entre les murs (French Edition)
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Entre les murs (French Edition) by François Bégaudeau was published in . It was officially published by Editions Gallimard and has the ISBN: 207012360X.
Book Title: Changing Instructional Role Of The High School Librarian (occasional Papers)
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Changing Instructional Role Of The High School Librarian (occasional Papers) by Kathleen Craver was published in 1986. It was officially published by Univ Of Illinois Graduate School Of and has the ISBN: 9996079635.
Book Title: School Teaching In Canada
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School Teaching In Canada by Alexander Lockhart was published in 1991. It was officially published by University Of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division and has the ISBN: 0802027482.
Book Title: Between Classes: Faculty Life At Truman High
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Between Classes: Faculty Life At Truman High by Charles E. Bruckerhoff was published in 1991. It was officially published by Teachers College Pr and has the ISBN: 0807730750.