After an entertaining book to read? Looking for the perfect book to gift to your dad/mother/sister/anyone. This article showcases our top picks for the best Danish-swedish Farmdog books.
Best Danish-swedish Farmdog Books
Looking for a book to read in 2021? Explore this list of the best books. This list was curated with thanks to ISBNdb and images partially provided by Unsplash.
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Book Title: Danish: An Essential Grammar
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Danish: An Essential Grammar by Robin Allan, Philip Holmes, Tom Lundskaer-Niels was published in 2000. It was officially published by Routledge and has the ISBN: 0203978765.
Book Title: Danish Yearbook of Musicology, Vol. 35 2007
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Danish Yearbook of Musicology, Vol. 35 2007 by Danish Musicological Society was published in August 2008. It was officially published by Aarhus University Press and has the ISBN: 8788328260.
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Norstedts Skandinaviska Ordbok (swedish Edition) by Lindgren, Birgitta., Nordisk Språksekretariat was published in 1994. It was officially published by Norstedt and has the ISBN: 9119355327.
Book Title: Utviklingen Av Kreditt Og Kredittinstitusjoner I De Nordiske Land Ca. 1850-1914
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Utviklingen Av Kreditt Og Kredittinstitusjoner I De Nordiske Land Ca. 1850-1914 by Grethe Authen Blom was published in 1978. It was officially published by Tapir and has the ISBN: 8251902649.
Book Title: Medborgaren Och Förvaltningen: Nordiskt Seminarium Anordnat Av Rättsfonden 15-16 Februari 1985
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Medborgaren Och Förvaltningen: Nordiskt Seminarium Anordnat Av Rättsfonden 15-16 Februari 1985 by Rattsfonden was published in 1985. It was officially published by Rättsfonden Liber and has the ISBN: 9138090325.
Book Title: Flygtninge- Og Indvandrerpolitik I Norden: [seminarrapport] : Saltsjöbaden, 22.-24. April 1987
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![Flygtninge- Og Indvandrerpolitik I Norden: [seminarrapport] : Saltsjöbaden, 22.-24. April 1987](
Flygtninge- Og Indvandrerpolitik I Norden: [seminarrapport] : Saltsjöbaden, 22.-24. April 1987 by Nordic Council was published in 1987. It was officially published by Nordisk Råd and has the ISBN: 9138097230.
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The Languages of Scandinavia: Seven Sisters of the North by Sanders Ph.D., Ruth H. was published in 2017-11-24T00:00:01Z. It was officially published by University of Chicago Press and has the ISBN: 022649389X.
Book Title: Integrering Av Invandrare: Rollen Av Bedömning Av Tidigare Utbildning Och Arbetslivserfarenheter I Norden
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Integrering Av Invandrare: Rollen Av Bedömning Av Tidigare Utbildning Och Arbetslivserfarenheter I Norden by Nordic Council of Ministers was published in 2004. It was officially published by Nordisk Ministerråd and has the ISBN: 9289310855.
Book Title: Fortællende Journalistik I Norden
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Fortællende Journalistik I Norden by Linda Dalviken was published in 2005. It was officially published by Forlaget Ajour and has the ISBN: 8791620120.
Book Title: Skagen: En Kunstnerkoloni
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Skagen: En Kunstnerkoloni by Thiesen, Lena. was published in 1995. It was officially published by Lamberth and has the ISBN: 8778020743.
Book Title: Moa I Brev Och Bilder: Ett Urval
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Moa I Brev Och Bilder: Ett Urval by Boman, Glann, Martinson, Moa was published in 1978. It was officially published by Askild & Kärnekull and has the ISBN: 9170086206.
Book Title: Nordisk Statistisk Nomenklatur =: Nordic Statistical Nomenclature (suomen Tilastoseuran Julkaisuja ; 3) (swedish Edition)
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Nordisk Statistisk Nomenklatur =: Nordic Statistical Nomenclature (suomen Tilastoseuran Julkaisuja ; 3) (swedish Edition) by Niels-Erik Jensen was published in 1975. It was officially published by Suomen Tilastoseura and has the ISBN: 9512007959.
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Kjønn I Kjempers Fødeland: Forskerblikk På Kultur Og Identitet : Konferanse 10.-11. Oktober 1991, Norsk Folkemuseum, Oslo (arbeidsnotat / Navfs Sekretariat For Kvinneforskning) (norwegian Edition) by Norges Almenvitenskapelige Forskningsråd, Sekretariat For Kvinneforskning. was published in 1992. It was officially published by Nafvs Sekretariat For Kvinneforskning, Norges Allmennvitenskapelige Forskningsråd and has the ISBN: 8272167476.
Book Title: De Nordiska Länderna Och Fn:s Framtid: Slutrapport Från Nordiska Rådets Konferens I Helsingfors Den 10-12 Januari 1995
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De Nordiska Länderna Och Fn:s Framtid: Slutrapport Från Nordiska Rådets Konferens I Helsingfors Den 10-12 Januari 1995 by Eide, Asbjørn., Nordic Council, United Nations was published in 1995. It was officially published by Nordiska Rådet and has the ISBN: 9291206369.
Book Title: Blomster & Spark: Samtaler Med Kvindelige Politikere I Norden Om Deres Historiske Rolle–og Deres Dagligdag
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Blomster & Spark: Samtaler Med Kvindelige Politikere I Norden Om Deres Historiske Rolle–og Deres Dagligdag by Drude Dahlerup was published in 1985. It was officially published by Nordisk Ministerråd and has the ISBN: 913808970.
Book Title: Sosialantropologi: Artikkelsamling For Grunnfag
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Sosialantropologi: Artikkelsamling For Grunnfag by Unknown was published in 1977. It was officially published by Universitetsforl. and has the ISBN: 8200017206.
Book Title: Towards Environmental Sustainability?: A Comparative Study Of Danish, Dutch And Swedish Transport Policies In A European Context
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Towards Environmental Sustainability?: A Comparative Study Of Danish, Dutch And Swedish Transport Policies In A European Context by Emin Tengstrom was published in 1999. It was officially published by Ashgate Pub Ltd and has the ISBN: 0754611094.
Book Title: Interview Med Børn (rapport) (danish Edition)
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Interview Med Børn (rapport) (danish Edition) by Mogens Kjær Jensen was published in 1988. It was officially published by Socialforskningsinstituttet and has the ISBN: 8774873423.
Book Title: Sin Egen: Piet Hein 90 år
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Sin Egen: Piet Hein 90 år by Ahlefeldt, Claus., Hein, Piet was published in 1995. It was officially published by Borgen and has the ISBN: 8721003823.
Book Title: Projekt Och Perspektiv: Rapport Från Gunnar T. Westins Jubileumsseminarium, Göta Kanal 26-28 Augusti 1978
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Projekt Och Perspektiv: Rapport Från Gunnar T. Westins Jubileumsseminarium, Göta Kanal 26-28 Augusti 1978 by Gunnar Torwald Westin was published in 1979. It was officially published by Almqvist & Wiksell International and has the ISBN: 9122002936.