
20 Best Computer Information Systems Professor Books to Read in 2021 | Book List

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After an entertaining book to read? Looking for the perfect book to gift to your dad/mother/sister/anyone. This article showcases our top picks for the best Computer Information Systems Professor books. 

Best Computer Information Systems Professor Books

Looking for a book to read in 2021? Explore this list of the best Computer Information Systems Professor books. This list was curated with thanks to ISBNdb and images partially provided by Unsplash.

If you have a book suggestion, feel free to drop it in the moderated comment section at the bottom of the article.

Book Title: Computer Information Systems

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Computer Information Systems

Computer Information Systems by Steven C Lawlor was published in 1990. It was officially published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich and has the ISBN: 0155126539.

Book Title: Computer Information Systems

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Computer Information Systems

Computer Information Systems by Fuori was published in 1995-09-06. It was officially published by Prentice-hall and has the ISBN: 0132358395.

Book Title: Computer Information Systems

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Computer Information Systems

Computer Information Systems by Steven Lawlor was published in . It was officially published by Harcourt Brace College Publishers and has the ISBN: 0155126571.

Book Title: Computer Information Systems

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Computer Information Systems

Computer Information Systems by Steven Lawlor was published in . It was officially published by and has the ISBN: 0155126830.

Book Title: Computer Information Systems

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Computer Information Systems

Computer Information Systems by Lawlor, Steven C. was published in . It was officially published by and has the ISBN: 0030982014.

Book Title: Computer Information Systems

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Computer Information Systems

Computer Information Systems by Jerome S. Burstein, Edward G. Martin was published in 1989. It was officially published by Harcourt School and has the ISBN: 0030266726.

Book Title: Computer Information Systems

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Computer Information Systems

Computer Information Systems by Steven C. Lawlor was published in 1992. It was officially published by Harcourt College Pub and has the ISBN: 0155002228.

Book Title: Computer Information Systems

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Computer Information Systems

Computer Information Systems by Steven C. Lawlor was published in 1992. It was officially published by Dryden Pr and has the ISBN: 0155126792.

Book Title: Computer information systems

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Computer information systems

Computer information systems by Paul Tom was published in 1989/05/01. It was officially published by Glenview, Ill. : Scott, Foresman, c1989. and has the ISBN: 0673187608.

Book Title: Computer Information Systems

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Computer Information Systems

Computer Information Systems by Kirk P. Arnett, Ronald L. Weir was published in 1994/12/01. It was officially published by Holt Rinehart & Winston and has the ISBN: 003098193X.

Book Title: Computer-based Information Systems

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Computer-based Information Systems

Computer-based Information Systems by Donald W. Kroeber was published in 1984. It was officially published by Macmillan Library Reference and has the ISBN: 0023668407.

Book Title: Computer Based Information Systems: Standard Telephones and Cables Case Study (Course M352)

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Computer Based Information Systems: Standard Telephones and Cables Case Study (Course M352)

Computer Based Information Systems: Standard Telephones and Cables Case Study (Course M352) by Open University was published in 1980. It was officially published by and has the ISBN: 033514005X.

Book Title: Computer And Information Systems:

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Computer And Information Systems:

Computer And Information Systems: by William S. S. Davis was published in 1996. It was officially published by and has the ISBN: 0314207287.

Book Title: Computer Based Information Systems

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Computer Based Information Systems

Computer Based Information Systems by David Walker was published in 1989. It was officially published by Elsevier Science Ltd and has the ISBN: 0080400663.

Book Title: Executive’s guide to computer-based information systems

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Executive's guide to computer-based information systems

Executive’s guide to computer-based information systems by Wetherbe, James C. was published in 1983. It was officially published by Prentice-hall and has the ISBN: 0132954281.

Book Title: Developing Systems (computer Information)

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Developing Systems (computer Information)

Developing Systems (computer Information) by Marjorie Leeson was published in 1985. It was officially published by Sra and has the ISBN: 0574217258.

Book Title: Sistema Operativo Linux

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Sistema Operativo Linux

Sistema Operativo Linux by Giuseppe Pelagatti was published in 2021-07-24. It was officially published by Società Editrice Esculapio and has the ISBN: 8835870747.

Book Title: Computer-based information systems

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Computer-based information systems

Computer-based information systems by Donald W. Kroeber, Hugh J. Watson was published in 1986/11/01. It was officially published by New York : Macmillan ; c1987. and has the ISBN: 0023668709.

Book Title: Introduction To Computer Information Systems

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Introduction To Computer Information Systems

Introduction To Computer Information Systems by Larry Long, Nancy Long was published in 2004. It was officially published by Strayer University Custom Edition and has the ISBN: 0536813981.

Book Title: Computer Information Systems With Basic

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Computer Information Systems With Basic

Computer Information Systems With Basic by Edward G. Martin Jerome S. Burstein was published in . It was officially published by Ny and has the ISBN: 0030293820.

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